Reading notation diagrams

Diagrams throughout this document show static relationships among classes.
The diagrams show classes and relationships selectively and do not always include all classes in a subsystem or framework.

Notation diagrams use the following conventions to depict classes and relationships:

Notation diagrams use the naming conventions described in the Taligent Guide to Designing Programs:

Prefix Example Indicates
A ADocRefType Template arguments
E EExceptionType Enumerated type names
f fUniqueld Data members
fg fgClassSemaphore Non-constant static data members
k kEmbeddedModelAdded Constants (including those of enumerated type)
M MCollectible Mixin classes
T TGrafEditSelection Standard classes
V VViewInitialize Virtual base classes

Notation diagrams show the member functions associated with a class:

The simple class diagram below shows an example of the notation:

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