Notification framework

The Notification framework provides a standard mechanism by which an instance can inform other instances about changes and events that affect it.

Instances sending notification messages need to know nothing about the instances that receive notification; this includes the type of receiver (instance or function), the receiver's protocol, the number of receivers, and how the receiver(s) respond to the notification.

The class of the sending instance, called the sender, defines classes that:

Once you have defined a sender, you can then develop receivers, which are the classes or functions that respond to these notifications, without changing the sender.

The Notification framework is heavily used by the Compound Document framework and the View System. See Chapter 6, "Presentation and Compound Document framework concepts" and Chapter 4, "View System concepts" for details on how these other subsystems use notification.

Most of the notification classes depend only on the collection classes, and can be used at any level of the system where notification is appropriate.

In addition to learning about each of the primary Notification framework classes, after reading this section you will understand how to:

Notification concepts
Primary notification classes
Using simple notification
Sending custom notifications
Creating batched notifications
Using custom interests
Notification across task boundaries

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