Using a page compositor to add adornments to a folio

You can use multiple page compositors on the same folio. For example, you might use one compositor to add an adornment and another to print 2-up on
a page:

For example, to print the folio myPageFolio using a composite page iterator that adds an adornment and prints 2-up:

  1. Instantiate a TPageCompositor for the adornments.
    This assumes that TPageAdornments already exists. TPageAdornments is not provided by the system.
  2. Instantiate a TNUpCompositor for the printing configuration.
    Pass the constructor the number of images across and the number of images down.
  3. Instantiate a page iterator for the composed pages.
  4. Fill the new iterator with the iterators created by the compositors.
    Call CreatePageIterator for the compositors.
  5. Print the job through your page iterator.
      TPageAdornments     adornments; // A compositor for adornments.
      TNUpCompositor  nUp(TULongPair(2,1));// 2 wide x 1 high.
      TPageIterator*  composite;
      // All page iterators take optional page ranges which apply only to that iterator.
      composite = nUp.CreatePageIterator(
      delete  composite;
You can use page ranges to apply adornments to a subset of the folio. When you create a page iterator, you can specify a page range parameter that applies only to that iterator.

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