Guide to Desktop Framework Concepts
Desktop Framework Concepts presents the fundamental concepts that unify the elements of the CommonPoint application system. In addition, this volume provides you with information on how to add printing to your application and how to start and use the Workspace.
This volume is divided into eight chapters:
- Basic Document framework describes the classes that comprise this low-level framework and explains the mechanisms defined by this framework.
- Input System explains the basic input mechanisms and describes the classes that support keyboard input, mouse input and using TInteractor objects.
- Notification describes the notification mechanisms and the classes that
define it.
- View System explains how to use Views and describes the classes that define the View system mechanisms.
- GUI Application framework describes this high-level framework. This chapter explains how to use the classes that comprise the framework to add GUI controls to your CommonPoint applications.
- Presentation and Compound Document framework explains the structures and mechanisms of these high-level frameworks. This chapter describes the mechanisms supporting compound documents, models and document components.
- Printing Services describes how you add printing capabilities to your CommonPoint applications.
- Workspace developer tools explains the classes that give the Workspace the capability of manipulating CommonPoint documents. In addition, it explains how to start up the CommonPoint application system and add functionality to your CommonPoint documents.
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