Notifier classes

This section describes the Notifier classes provided by the Notification framework. Notifier classes are used by senders for accepting connections and issuing notifications.

MNotifier -- provides the abstract protocol for accepting connections and for distributing notifications to them. MNotifier provides no implementation for this protocol. A class inherits directly from MNotifier if it provides a unique implementation for the notification protocol.

MDelegatingNotifier -- supports the delegation of all notifier member functions to another notifier, thus allowing a single notifier instance to be shared among several MDelegatingNotifiers. The Compound Document framework uses this technique to share a single notifier among all the TModel instances in a document task.

TNotifier -- a concrete implementation of the protocol, specified by MNotifier, based on a dictionary implementation. It sends notifications synchronously; that is, in the same thread as the caller of Notify.

TAsynchronousNotifier -- a concrete implementation of the protocol, specified by MNotifier, that delivers notifications asynchronously. You can provide it a request processor to use, such as an instance TSingleThreadRequestProcessor, or let it create a processor itself. TAsynchronousNotifier implements the MNotifier protocol by passing requests to the request processor and immediately returning.

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