Creating the interactor

The HandleDraw and HandleCreateInteractor functions for GrafEdit's TSRTBoxFeedbacker class are illustrated in the following code sample. When you make your own interactor, you need to provide your own calculations and drawing algorithms as appropriate.


      TSRTBoxFeedbacker::HandleDraw (TGrafPort& port) const
          TGRect bounds = HandleGetBounds ();
          port.Draw (bounds);
          // We set the inset equal to at least 5x5 in case the graphic is too small to be visible
          GCoordinate hInset = Max(bounds.GetWidth() / 6.0, 5.0);
          GCoordinate vInset = Max(bounds.GetHeight() / 6.0, 5.0);
          bounds.Inset (TGPoint(hInset,0));
          port.Draw (bounds);
          bounds.Inset (TGPoint(-hInset,vInset));
          port.Draw (bounds);


      // Copyright (C) 1995 Taligent, Inc. All rights reserved.
      (MCanvasSelection* adoptTarget, MToolHandler* handler, const TGPoint& point) const
          TGRect bounds = HandleGetBounds ();
          TGPoint center = bounds.GetCenter();
          GCoordinate hInset = Max(bounds.GetWidth() / 6.0, 5.0);
          GCoordinate vInset = Max(bounds.GetHeight() / 6.0, 5.0);
          // Translating case (center)
          bounds.Inset (TGPoint(hInset,vInset));
          if ( bounds.Contains(point) ) return CreateTranslatingInteractor (adoptTarget, handler);
          // Rotating cases (allow overlap with center which has already been ruled out)
          bounds.Inset (TGPoint(-hInset,0));
          if ( bounds.Contains(point) ) return CreateRotatingInteractor (adoptTarget, handler, center);
          bounds.Inset (TGPoint(hInset,-vInset));
          if ( bounds.Contains(point) ) return CreateRotatingInteractor (adoptTarget, handler, center);
          // Scaling case - all remaining points (the four corners)
          bounds.Inset (TGPoint(-hInset,0));
          if ( bounds.Contains(point) ) {
              // Now, depending on which corner the point is in, 
              // return a scale center point equivalent
              // to the opposite corner.  This pinpoints the scale origin.
              TGRect inner = bounds;
              inner.Inset (TGPoint(hInset,vInset));
              TGRect topLeft = TGRect(bounds.GetTopLeft(), inner.GetTopLeft());
              TGRect topRight = TGRect(TGPoint(inner.GetTopRight().fX, bounds.GetTopRight().fY), 
                          TGPoint(bounds.GetTopRight().fX, inner.GetTopRight().fY));
              TGRect bottomLeft = TGRect(TGPoint(bounds.GetBottomLeft().fX, inner.GetBottomLeft().fY), 
                          TGPoint(inner.GetBottomLeft().fX, bounds.GetBottomLeft().fY));
              TGRect bottomRight = TGRect(inner.GetBottomRight(), bounds.GetBottomRight());
              if (topLeft.Contains(point)) center = inner.GetBottomRight();
              if (topRight.Contains(point)) center = inner.GetBottomLeft();
              if (bottomLeft.Contains(point)) center = inner.GetTopRight();
              if (bottomRight.Contains(point)) center = inner.GetTopLeft();
              return CreateScalingInteractor (adoptTarget, handler, center);
          delete adoptTarget;
          return NIL;

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