- Preface
- Guide to GrafEdit
- CommonPoint information set
- Getting started
- Taxonomy
- Developer guides
- Usage and tools guidelines
- Application documentation
- Documented sample programs and
sample code
- Installation and
- Typographical conventions
- Reading notation diagrams
- part 1 -
Using GrafEdit
- Introducing GrafEdit
- GrafEdit architecture
- Basic and Standard GrafEdit
- Core and Convenience Classes
- GrafEdit Classes
- Sample drawing programs
- Creating a sample application document
- With Mars
- With Jupiter
- Exiting the sample program
- Experimenting with
the applications
- GrafEdit
getting started
- Creating a simple GrafEdit program
- Creating the presenter
- Creating the view
- Adding a menu palette with commands
- Deactivating the
menu pallet
- Creating the stationery
- Running the example
- GrafEdit classes in brief
- Canvas graphics
- Canvas representation
- Canvas view
- Canvas selection
- Canvas filters and funnels
- Canvas commands
- Canvas interactors
- Canvas tools
- Convenience Classes
- Standard and Basic GrafEdit classes
- Standard GrafEdit
- Basic GrafEdit
- Using GrafEdit
sample programs
- Creating and exiting your Mars document
- Creating your
Mars document
- Exiting your Mars document
- Working with the program
- Edit menu
- Tool menu
- Drawing shapes
- Drawing text
- Color menu
- Pen menu
- Text menu
- Selecting canvas graphics
- Transforming canvas graphics
- Mars sample application
code walkthrough
- Creating the Mars application
- Defining MarsPresenter
- Public declarations
- Constructor
- Destructor
- Macro calls
- Protected declarations
- Private declarations
- Implementing MarsPresenter
- Setting Up MarsPresenter
- Initializing submenus
- Version information
- Constructor
- Destructor
- SetCanvasView
- Creating the main view
- Activating the menu
- Tool menu
- Arrow tool item with separator line below
- Line tool
- Attribute bundle
- Rect tool
- Ellipse tool
- Polyline tool
- Polygon tool
- Curve tool
- Text tool
- Labelling the menu
- Color and Pen menus
- Color menu
- Red frame
- Green frame
- Blue frame with separator line below
- Red fill
- Green fill
- Blue fill
- Labelling the menu
- Pen menu
- 1world-coordinate unit
- 2 world-coordinate units
- 4 world-coordinate units
- 6 world-coordinate units
- 8 world-coordinate units
- 10 world-coordinate units
- Labelling the menu
- Text menu
- Menu palette
- Menu deactivation
- Copy text from archive
- Defining the stationery
- Extending GrafEdit
- Adding a new graphic and its tool
- Setting the cursor tool
- Creating the tool
- GetPaletteText
- TCanvasPolygonCreation
- CreateCursorGraphic
- Specifying the interactor
- Creating an interactor
- Creating a selection tool
- Constructor
- Destructor
- StartInteraction
- ContinueInteration
- EndInteraction
- MouseMoved
- DrawFeedback
- Defining a new way to manipulate a selection
- Creating your feedbacker
- Creating the interactor
- HandleDraw
- HandleCreateInteractor
- Creating a filter
- TCanvasTopSelection
- Constructor
- Destructor
- First
- Next
- TCanvasTopSelection
- Constructor
- Destructor
- First
- Next
- Adding new commands
- TStandardCanvasFillColorSelectionState
- Constructor and destructor
- MCollectible overrides
- TSetCanvasGraphicFillColorCmd
- Constructors and destructor
- MCollectible overrides
- TChangeCanvasGraphicCmd overrides
- part 2 -
About GrafEdit
- Standard GrafEdit
- Standard canvas model
- Selection creation
- Change notifications
- Standard canvas selection
- Model binding
- Model selection
- Data exchange
- Standard canvas view
- Model and presenter state access
- Graphic enumeration
- Selection management
- Notification handling
- Command execution
- Commands, interactors,
and cursor tools
- Commands
- Control state classes
- Derived classes
- Adopt command
- Delete command
- Fill color command
- Frame color command
- Line width command
- Scale command
- Rotate command
- Translate command
- Custom commands
- Change canvas
graphic command
- BeginChange and ContinueChange
- UndoChange and RedoChange
- Associations with template
- Interactors
- Developing interactors
- Interaction style
- Interaction feedback
- Action
- Command creation and execution
- Class architecture
- Multiclick interaction
- Drag Interaction
- Cursor tool handling
- Cursor tools framework
- Cursor tool classes
- Simple mouse tools
- Tool negotiation
- Tool target creation
- Delegating mouse tools
- Tool negotiation
- Tool interactor creation
- Simple or delegating mouse tool?
- Basic GrafEdit
- Canvas graphics
- Canvas graphic
derived classes
- Basic canvas graphic constructors
- Shape classes constructors
- Unique identifier
- Interactor
- Selection feedback graphic
- Hit detection
- Transforming
canvas graphics
- HandleDraw
- HandleGetBounds
- HandleHit
- HandleCreateInteractor
- HandleCreateFeedbacker
- Canvas representation
- Accessing canvas graphics
- Adopting canvas graphics
- Orphaning and deleting canvas graphics
- Changing the order
of canvas graphics
- Querying the representation
- Changing canvas graphics
- Iterating canvas graphics
- Data selection
- Selecting and deselecting canvas graphics
- Querying the selection
- Iterating canvas selections
- Invalidating the selection
- Accessing the canvas representation
- Canvas views
- Graphic enumeration
- Drawing
- Hit detection
- Current selection management
- Adopting or setting
- Retrieving
- Creating
- Cursor tool support
- Change notification
- Filters and funnels
- Filters
- Iteration
- Derived classes
- Ordering
- Hit detection and selection
- Funnels
- Pointers to graphics and graphic IDs
- Derived classes
- Drawing
- Hit detection
- Interaction
- Selection
- Hit detection on a temporary selection
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