Selection management

TStandardCanvasView implements CreateEmptySelection to access the underlying model and call the TStandardCanvasModel::CreateSelection function. The other selection access functions call the presenter state.

      virtual MCanvasSelection* CreateEmptySelection() const;
      virtual MCanvasSelection* CopyCurrentSelection() const;
      virtual void SetCurrentSelection( MCanvasSelection& );
      virtual void AdoptCurrentSelection( MCanvasSelection* );
The selection managed by the model through these functions is MCanvasSelection; whereas the selection managed by the presenter state through the functions described in "Model and presenter state access" on page 77 is a TDocumentComponentReadEntry or TDocumentComponentWriteEntry.

GrafEdit does not currently use the presenter state selection, but uses a TStandardCanvasModelSelection for the model selection. These functions either build a document component selection from the model selection or extract the model selection from the document component selection.

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