2D image attributes

The TGrafBundle class described in Chapter 7 has functions that are specific to 2-D image graphics. These functions are described in this chapter and include image pattern paints, dithering, transfer modes, and image sampling as shown in Figure 112.

Fill transfer modes: Algorithms that determine the resulting fill color of a graphic drawn into an image when pixels of one color overlay pixels of another color.

Frame transfer modes: Algorithms that determine the resulting frame color of a graphic drawn into an image when pixels of one color overlay pixels of another color.

Image transfer modes: Algorithms that determine the resulting color of the image when pixels of one color overlay pixels of another color.

Image Sampling: Investigating the status of an image prior to drawing it when the image is enlarged (interpolated) creating pixel gaps or shrunk (decimated) compressing the pixel information.

Include files
Transfer modes
Image sampling

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