The classes in the hue, saturation, and light (HSL) and hue, saturation, and value (HSV) transfer modes let you blend colors by adjusting according to only one of the components: hue only, saturation only, light only, value only, tint only, or blend only. This type of substitution is commonly used in interface design where an appealing look is wanted without too many contrasting colors. The HSL and HSV transfer modes are identical. The only difference is that they operate in different color spaces.

This category of transfer modes is comprised of a large number of classes. Rather than list all of the classes here, where only one class exists for a particular kind of operation that class is listed in the bullet list. Where there are a number of classes that preform the same operation, the bullet list explains how you can tell what the transfer mode operation does by the name of the class.

    The Blend transfer modes are useful for image classes that do not have an alpha channel, which would be the image classes that do not have an "A" in their name; for example, TGrayImage. When an image class does not have an alpha channel, even though opacity information is specified in the color definition, that opacity information is not stored in the image. See Chapter 6 for more information on the available image classes.

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