Surface orientation

You can apply different colors, shaders, and texture maps to the interior and exterior of a sweep. By default, a sweep uses an outside shader that produces a gray plastic appearance and a bright pink inside shader. You can override these default settings with a 3-D attribute bundle (TGrafBundle3D). To predict how a sweep will look using inside and outside shaders, you need to know which side of the sweep is the interior and which is the exterior.

The contour should draw in a clockwise direction. When it does, the left side is the outside surface and the right side is the inside surface. When you create the contour curve from an ellipse or a rectangle, you must reverse the direction of the contour because ellipses and rectangles draw in a counter-clockwise direction. If you create the contour from a polygon or any other set of points, make sure you specify the points so that they draw in a clockwise direction.

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