Rounded box sweep

A box sweep is a cylinder with rounded edges that give the look of a fillet at the top and bottom of the box. It is constructed from a side, height, and round radius.

      TRoundedBox3D(  GCoordinate side, 
                      GCoordinate height, 
                      GCoordinate roundRadius, 
                      TGrafBundle3D* adoptBUndle = NIL );
side: The distance in world-coordinate units from the origin in the z direction.

height: The distance in world-coordinate units from the origin in the y direction.

roundRadius: A distance in world-coordinate units from the corners of the box. This distance defines where the rounded corners begin.

The following code fragment creates the rounded box sweep shown above. The camera has been repositioned to show the side view.

      TRoundedBox3D roundedBox( 200, 200, 20 );
      roundedBox.Draw( thePort );

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