Frame pen

By default, the wire frames draw with a hairline pen. As shown in Figure 189, TGrafBundle3D has an AdoptFramePen function that takes a pointer to a TPen instance as a parameter. You can use this function to apply a pen style to the wire frame. However, be aware that if you apply a thick pen to a 3D graphic, the perspective might not display correctly because the thick pen does not get smaller as it moves away from the viewer.

You can apply cap and joint styles to pens in 3-D the same way you do it in 2-D. See Chapter 7 for descriptive text and example code to change the pen and apply cap, and joint styles on a 2-D attribute bundle. For pen, cap, and joint styles, the same principles apply with 3-D attribute bundles as they do with 2-D attribute bundles.

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