Using the keyboard

The keyboard is the primary vehicle for text input. The keyboard also provides modifier keys that change the meaning of a mouse or key action. For example, a modifier key is used with the mouse to change the meaning of a drag operation from moving to copying. As another example, a modifier key is used with alphabet keys to provide shortcuts to menu commands.

Some tasks are more keyboard-intensive than others. For example, the keyboard is often used for entering spreadsheet data. To avoid forcing the user to switch between mouse and keyboard when entering data, the spreadsheet program should provide as many keyboard alternatives to the mouse as possible. Consider the tasks the user accomplishes with your program as you design keyboard alternatives.

Modifier keys

These modifier keys are implemented for the current release:

Text keys

These text keys are supported for editing text:

The arrow keys can be used to move through text:

Menu shortcuts

The following table lists the currently implemented menu shortcuts. To use a keyboard shortcut instead of a menu, the user presses the Control key with the alphabet key representing the desired menu item. To remind the user of their availability, these shortcut keys appear on the menus next to their corresponding menu items.

Menu command Parent menu Letter key
Make New Workspace n
Open [Presentation] Workspace o
Duplicate Workspace d
Undo Edit z
Redo Edit Shift-z
Cut Edit x
Copy Edit c
Paste Edit v
Select All Edit a

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