Use a slider when the user can select one setting from a range of values. Do not use a scrolling list for presenting a range of settings. (See the preceding section for information on scrolling lists.)
When you implement a slider, you supply the values and a label for the slider. The label identifies the type of values being set and should be a word or phrase, such as Screen Brightness. If the values are relative, use a word at both ends of the range to indicate the settings, such as Dim or Bright.
The CommonPoint application system automatically lays out the slider. In addition, you can specify whether the slider label appears above or to the left of the slider. On a horizontal slider, values range from low on the left to high on the right. On a vertical one, values range from low on the bottom to high on the top.
When the user drags the slider thumb, its positioning provides visual feedback. In addition, the thumb's track is highlighted to indicate the thumb's position along the range of values. The user can also click directly on the thumb's track to move the slider.
When to use a slider
Slider layout
You must also determine whether the slider should have a horizontal or vertical orientation and display tick marks along its range. Displaying tick marks is the default, but you can override it. If you want to use tick marks for a wide range of discrete values, such as an RGB setting from 0 to 255, consider placing the tick marks at fixed intervals. Too many tick marks will add visual clutter.
Slider interaction
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