Time services

Time and time-related services are a fundamental part of the programming environment. These services are necessary for everything from time stamping to synchronization with external devices.

The Time services provide a consistent hardware-independent model that can be shared by all applications that require timing support. These services provide:

The most common use of the Time services is to use the system clock as a timing device. Read
"Getting started with the Time services" on page 72 to learn how to use the basic Time services. "Timing concepts" on page 74 goes into more detail about the time and clock architecture.

To define timing relationships, you use a special type of clock. If you want to synchronize events, such as the playback of time-based media, read "Syncable clocks" on page 77.

If you are interested in extending the Time services, you also need to understand how clocks use time sources. This information is covered in "Implementing a clock and time source" on page 89.

Getting started with the Time services
Timing concepts
Syncable clocks
Setting a delay
Performing tasks periodically
Adding a time unit
Implementing a clock and time source

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