This example shows the functions you need to write to start and stop the timer three times during a timing test.
The StartStopTimingTest member function contains the actions you want to time. Start and stop the timer for each action.
void TSampleStartStopRestartTest::StartStopTimingTest(TTimingTestStopwatch& stopwatch) { stopwatch.Start(); for (short i=0; i<1000;i++); stopwatch.Stop(); stopwatch.Start(); for (i=0; i<1000;i++); stopwatch.Stop(); stopwatch.Start(); for (i=0; i<1000;i++); stopwatch.Stop(); }
void TSampleStartStopRestartTest::EmptyStartStopTimingTest(TTimingTestStopwatch& stopwatch) { stopwatch.Start(); stopwatch.Stop(); stopwatch.Start(); stopwatch.Stop(); stopwatch.Start(); stopwatch.Stop(); }
Test TSampleStartStopRestartTest ( Pass ) {time 570 +/- 180 us}