Performing tests

One of the primary benefits of the Test environment is a uniform protocol for running tests. Deriving all tests from the abstract base class TTest provides this capability. Test framework users need not write applications to run their tests--the program RunTest runs all tests derived from TTest.

RunTest allows you to instantiate a derived class of TTest in a newly created task or in another task.

You must provide information for RunTest through command-line options:

  1. RunTest reads the command-line options and passes information to the TTest::CreateTest member function.
  2. The CreateTest member function uses the information to create a TTest object and to pass it to RunTest.
  3. RunTest calls TTest::Run in the returned object to perform the test.
RunTest options
RunTest exit value
CreateTest options
Protocol test options
Performing a test
Testing an interface inherited from a base class
Stopping a test
Providing input for a test
Displaying information about a test
Examining test results
Writing a test script

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