RunTest options

The RunTest command handles command-line options. The following options specify how your test should be run.

RunTest option Description
-a[sync] Runs test asynchronously, does not wait for test completion. This option applies only if -s or -m is given as well. When running tests on a server, RunTest normally makes a synchronous call. If you specify -a, RunTest instead queues the test on the server and returns immediately.
-ba[ckup] Writes data buffered in memory to a local temporary file that can be retrieved if the test does not complete execution.
-h[elp] Displays instructions on how to use RunTest and exits.
-info [keywords] Displays information about the test.
-lo[g] on | off Turns test logging on or off.
-lo[g][logname] Writes the test information to the specified log filename when you enable global logging with the option -log on. When -lo does not specify a log name, the default log name is TestLog.
-m[achine] <name> Runs the test on the named machine. This is functionally similar to specifying s directly on the remote machine.
-n<umberOfRuns> Specifies the number of times the test is to be run.
-o[ptions] Ignores any arguments following -o and passes them to the TTest object by calling TTest::SetInputs.
-s[erver] [name] Runs the test within another test server. The server must be specified by the server name. If you do not provide a name, RunTest uses the named server RemoteTestServer communicating through message streams.
-st[art] Starts the test server in its own task and remains active indefinitely (normally RunTest terminates immediately after test completion). You must specify the s option with a server name. This server name uniquely identifies the test server.

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