Setting up your environment variables

After you have installed the CommonPoint application system, you need to set required environment variables before launching the system or before building your application. Taligent provides scripts to set these variables: for users of sh, bsh, and ksh, and tal.csh for users of csh.

You must run the environment variables script when you first open an AIX window in which you use the CommonPoint application system or build your application. Run the script once at the beginning of each AIX session, before starting the system. Here's how:

  1. Change to the Taligent directory (this directory might be different on your system, depending on how your environment was installed):
        cd /usr/taligent
  2. Place the environment variables script in your shell configuration file.
    1. For sh, bsh, and ksh users, add the following line to your .profile file:
          . /usr/taligent/
    2. For csh users, add the following line to your .cshrc file:
          source /usr/taligent/tal.csh
  3. Log out and in again to ensure proper execution of the scripts. To log out:
    1. Choose End Session from the root menu by holding down the right mouse button on the desktop background.
    2. Choose OK.
NOTE If, while using Taligent's tools, you get an error message like "### Command: Environment variable $TaligentRoot must be set!", it is because you didn't run one of these scripts at the beginning of the session.

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