Running CommonPoint programs

To run a program on the CommonPoint application system:

  1. Start the CommonPoint application system:
      cd $TaligentSharedLibs
    This can take a while to start. Always wait for CommonPoint to completely finish loading (the UNIX prompt appears when you press Enter) before starting a program. When the UNIX prompt appears again in the terminal window, the environment is running.
  2. Run the program, such as the StockBrowser sample:
    To run a Document Framework application, use RunDocument (see "RunDocument" on page 86 for more information):
      RunDocument -c -o TTextStationery EditableTextLib&
  3. Quit the CommonPoint application system:
      cd $TaligentSharedLibs
      CommonPoint -stop
    You must run both CommonPoint and CommonPoint -stop from the same terminal window, and from the $TaligentSharedLibs directory. You should also use this window to launch your applications as well as the debugger.
CAUTION It is very important to execute CommonPoint -stop to log off the machine. If you don't, you might have to perform a deep clean, as explained in "Performing a deep clean" on page 32.

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