Typing configurations

Typing configurations encapsulate the items an end user needs to enter text of a particular language from a keyboard. The following classes provide the mechanism for defining typing configurations:

TTypingConfiguration is the abstract base class providing the protocol for defining and identifying typing configurations. Each configuration has a localizable name for use with the locale mechanism.

TEditableTypingConfiguration provides the concrete implementation of TTypingConfiguration, including functions for accessing and editing the configuration. Each TEditableTypingConfiguration instance owns the storage for the contents of the typing configuration. TEditableTypingConfiguration adopts text modifiers and the preferred input method and maintains pointers to the current virtual keyboard and to a style object identifying the natural language.

TTypingConfigurationHandle is a lightweight class that provides access to typing configuration objects. Because the class TEditableTypingConfiguration contains a large amount of data, you should always use a handle to access the configuration unless you are actually editing the contents of the configuration. TTypingConfigurationHandle keeps track of the current global configuration and provides functions for accessing elements of the configuration, for processing keystrokes, and for activating particular configurations.

TTypingInteractor is used by the Text Editing framework to process typing input. TTypingInteractor maintains a typing configuration handle and calls typing configuration functions to process keystrokes. When you create your own text editor, you must create your own typing interactor.

Exception handling

The typing configuration classes also include a class used by the typing configuration to issue exceptions. TTypingConfigurationException derives from TStandardException and defines two exception conditions:

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