Creating a new media sequence creator
When TMediaSequenceCreator::CreateSequence is called, the Media Registry iterates over all registered sequence creators until it finds one that returns a non-nil result in response to a particular file entity.
To create a media sequence creator for a class derived from TMediaSequence, you derive a new class from TMediaSequenceCreator. Your media sequence creator must be able to determine if a given file fits the characteristics of the new sequence type.
For example, to create a sequence creator for xxxSequence:
- Derive a new class from TMediaSequenceCreator, TxxxSequenceCreator.
- Override TMediaSequenceCreator::CreateSequence.
The implementation of this function contains the heuristic for identifying files of the appropriate type. If the file format is not recognized, return Nil. If the format is recognized, create an xxxSequence and return a pointer to the sequence.
- Override TMediaSequenceCreator::CreateNewSequence.
This function creates an empty sequence of the new type and returns a pointer to the sequence.
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