You can derive new classes from TAudioSequence to wrap different sound file formats or to create new synthesized sounds. For more information on creating new audio sequences, see "Supporting a new audio data type" on page 315. The Audio system provides several types of audio sequences:
TAudioIFFSequence wraps an Audio Interchange File Format file.
T8BitAudioSequence wraps an 8-bit audio file.
TQuickTimeAudioSequence encapsulates one or two tracks from a QuickTime audio file.
TWaveTable is an abstract base class that represents audio sequences used to synthesize periodic waveforms. When you subclass TWaveTable, you can specify a wavetable (a single period of the waveform). TWaveTable samples that wave table to produce a waveform of any frequency.
TSineWave is a subclass of TWaveTable that synthesizes a sine wave. It can be used for music synthesis or test tones. Two TSineWaves played by two TAudioPlayers can be mixed together to generate telephone touch tones.