
The Video system supports playing and recording any graphical information that can be sequenced with respect to time. The system supports:

The video classes are based on the Time media system, which provides a common framework for control and synchronization of sound, animation, video, and MIDI sequences.

Typically, you use data encapsulators to access video data, rather than the underlying video classes--casual users of the video system use the TMovie class to play and record video. To incorporate a movie into your program, read "Getting started with video" on page 284. "Video concepts" on page 319 goes into more detail about the Video system and its underlying components.

The three main types of video classes are players, processors, and views:

TGraphicPlayer represents video sources and the logical players that you use to control video data.

TGraphicSequence represents the logical cassettes that are played by concrete classes derived from TGraphicPlayer.

TVideoDigitizer represents a video processor that converts analog video data to digital video data.

TVideoException is a concrete error class, derived from TStandardException, that encapsulates the errors generated by the video classes.

Video concepts
Playing video data

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