The MIDI system facilitates the development of applications that support the MIDI standard. The MIDI classes are designed to shorten the development time of MIDI applications and improve the consistency and compatibility between applications that use MIDI data. The MIDI system provides:
The MIDI system provides MIDI components for handling MIDI messages. You can currently play and record MIDI sequences using the convenience class TMIDI. (For information on using TMIDI, see "Getting started with MIDI" on page 285.)
After reading this chapter, you should understand how MIDI sequences are represented within the system.
This information is not intended to be a guide to the MIDI standard or MIDI programming. If you are not already familiar with MIDI, you might want to read:
MIDI Sequencing in C by J. Cogner (Redwood City, CA: M&T Publishing, Inc., 1989).
Musicians Make a Standard: The MIDI Phenomenon by D.G. Loy (Computer Music Journal 9 (4), pp. 8-26, 1985).
MIDI 1.0 Detailed Specification, Document Version 4.1.1 (Los Angeles: International MIDI Association, February 1990).
Playing and recording MIDI data in the current system makes use of two main classes, TMIDI, and TMIDISequence.
TMIDISequence represents the sequences of MIDI data played by classes derived from TMIDIPlayer.
TMIDITrack represents the individual data tracks that make up a MIDI sequence.
TMIDIPacket encapsulates all of the MIDI message types and structures. Each MIDI track contains a time-ordered sequence of MIDI packets.
TMIDIException is a concrete error class, derived from TStandardException, that encapsulates the errors generated by the MIDI classes:
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