Encapsulating simple character strings

For character strings that do not need to be styled, displayed, or edited by the end user, you can use a concrete subclass of TUnicodeArray.

TUnicodeArray provides the basic protocol for encapsulating unstyled, nondisplayable strings of Unicode characters.

TSimpleUnicodeArray provides a simpler mechanism than TText for storing and manipulating small strings of Unicode characters. Strings encapsulated by TSimpleUnicodeArray can be edited programmatically. Use this class when you need to store and manipulate a string but do not need to display it. If the string needs to be shared among programs, use TToken.

TToken provides a mechanism for creating constant, low-overhead strings. At instantiation, a token is assigned an identifier that allows it to be shared by all running programs. The token is assigned the same identifier every time you instantiate it, making it unique. You cannot modify TToken strings after instantiation.

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