Font substitution

Because no single font can display every character in the Unicode character set, the CommonPoint application system includes a font substitution mechanism that helps CommonPoint applications display every character in a
meaningful way.

The primary class you work with to use the font substitution mechanism is TStandardFontSubstituter, derived from the abstract base class TFontSubstituter.

TFontSubstituter defines the basic protocol for the font substitution mechanism.

TStandardFontSubstituter provides an implementation of this protocol.

When you display text using font substitution, the font substituter first determines whether each character in your text can be displayed by the font applied to that character. If a character cannot be displayed in that font, the font substituter searches through the fonts installed on your system:

NOTE Before requesting font substitution, you need to apply font styling information to your text using the standard text styling mechanism. See "Applying styles to text" on page 43 for information.

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