Text view classes

The Text Editing framework view classes are responsible for:

The text view for an editable text component receives notifications whenever the text representation or presenter state are modified and provides visual feedback for text input and selections.

TTextView is the abstract base class for views on text data, providing the protocol for drawing the text, handling input events, and accessing the associated text representation object and current selection.

TDocumentTextView is a concrete text view class that mixes in MGUIBundle, using the Presentation framework GUI bundle mechanism to manage its relationships to other objects associated with the component. TDocumentTextView provides the view on an editable text document component and retrieves persistent presentation information from a TTextPresenterState object.

TEmbedderTextView adds the ability to handle embedded components, providing the protocol for handling components dragged and dropped onto the view, for managing the views associated with embedded components, and for showing feedback on selected embedded frames.

TSimpleTextView is a concrete text view class that provides the view on a lightweight editable text component. TSimpleTextView maintains the current selection on the component.

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