CMdaImageUtility Class Reference

#include <mdaimageconverter.h>

Link against: mediaclientimage.lib

class CMdaImageUtility : public CActive, private MMdaObjectStateChangeObserver

Inherits from

Detailed Description

Deprecated7.0s - Replaced by Image Conversion library - no direct equivalent

Defines the public interface to image conversion.

This class has been deprecated in 7.0s, it's functionality is now part of the Image Converter Library. For more information see CImageEncoder and CImageDecoder.

Clients of the concrete conversion classes call the functions provided by this interface to perform the conversion. The implementation of these functions is provided either by the concrete conversion classes themselves or by private implementation classes.


See also: CImageEncoder CImageDecoder

Member Attribute Documentation


CMdaImageUtilityPriv *iProperties[protected]

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CMdaImageUtility ( )


~CMdaImageUtility ( )


Member Function Documentation

CancelConvertL ( )

voidCancelConvertL()[pure virtual]

Cancels the conversion operation.

The callback function MMdaImageUtilObserver::MiuoConvertComplete() is not called.

Close ( )

IMPORT_C voidClose()[virtual]

Closes the open file-based or descriptor-based image.

Any conversion operation in progress is cancelled.

ConvertL ( CFbsBitmap &, TInt )

voidConvertL(CFbsBitmap &aBitmap,
TIntaFrameNumber = 0
)[pure virtual]

Begins the image conversion operation for the specified frame overloaded function.

The operation is asynchronous. When the conversion operation is complete, successfully or otherwise, the callback function MMdaImageUtilObserver::MiuoConvertComplete() is called.When converting from a file or descriptor to a bitmap, the operation can complete with KErrUnderflow, if there is insufficient information in the file or descriptor. Typically, this occurs when using the file or descriptor as a cache. In this situation, the conversion operation should be performed repeatedly until the file or descriptor has accumulated enough information for the operation to complete with KErrNone. As much of the image as is present is converted and written to the target bitmap at each call to this function.

aBitmapA reference to a bitmap. This may be a source or a target for the conversion process, depending on the concrete conversion class utility being used.
aFrameNumberThe frame number. This value is relative to zero. For those concrete conversion classes which perform conversion from a bitmap, this value must always be zero. For those concrete conversion classes which perform conversion to a bitmap, this value must be less than the number of frames in the image.

ConvertL ( CFbsBitmap &, CFbsBitmap &, TInt )

voidConvertL(CFbsBitmap &aBitmap,
CFbsBitmap &aMaskBitmap,
TIntaFrameNumber = 0
)[pure virtual]

Begins the image conversion operation for the specified frame overloaded function.

The operation is asynchronous. When the conversion operation is complete, successfully or otherwise, the callback function MMdaImageUtilObserver::MiuoConvertComplete() is called.When converting from a file or descriptor to a bitmap, the operation can complete with KErrUnderflow, if there is insufficient information in the file or descriptor. Typically, this occurs when using the file or descriptor as a cache. In this situation, the conversion operation should be performed repeatedly until the file or descriptor has accumulated enough information for the operation to complete with KErrNone. As much of the image as is present is converted and written to the target bitmap at each call to this function.

See also: CMdaImageUtility::ConvertL(CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,TInt aFrameNumber = 0)

aBitmapA reference to a bitmap. This may be a source or a target for the conversion process, depending on the concrete conversion class utility being used.
aMaskBitmapA source or target mask bitmap, if present.
aFrameNumberThe frame number. This value is relative to zero. For those concrete conversion classes which perform conversion from a bitmap, this value must always be zero. For those concrete conversion classes which perform conversion to a bitmap, this value must be less than the number of frames in the image.

DoCancel ( )

voidDoCancel()[protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from CActive::DoCancel()

DoClose ( )

voidDoClose()[protected, virtual]

FrameCount ( )

IMPORT_C TIntFrameCount()const [virtual]

Returns the number of frames in the image, counting from the first frame in the image, to the next frame to be decoded.

Note: The image conversion utilities do not scan all the image data on calling OpenL(), just the header. Therefore, if, as in the case of an animated gif, there is no frame count in the header, then until all the frames in the image have been decoded, the total frame count is unknown. Initially therefore, FrameCount() returns 1, but this increments as each frame is decoded, and the utility reads the next frame's header. Once the last frame has been decoded, all frames are available for access as the information about each frame is stored.

Return Value
The number of frames in the image

FrameInfo ( TInt, TFrameInfo & )

IMPORT_C voidFrameInfo(TIntaFrame,
TFrameInfo &aInfo
)const [virtual]

Retrieves information about the specified frame.

This function should only be called after an existing image has been successfully opened or a new image successfully created.

aFrameThe frame number. This value is relative to zero. The value must be less than the total number of frames in the image, otherwise the function raises a USER 0 panic
aInfoA reference to the frame information.

ImageUtil_Reserved1 ( )


ImageUtil_Reserved2 ( )


ImageUtil_Reserved3 ( )


ImageUtil_Reserved4 ( )


MoscoStateChangeEvent ( CBase *, TInt, TInt, TInt )

voidMoscoStateChangeEvent(CBase *aObject,
)[protected, virtual]

This method is used to receive the updated state of an audio data sample object. This method must be implemented by the inheriting client class.

aObjectThe audio data sample object whose state has changed.
aPreviousStateThis is the previous state of the audio data sample object before it went into the current state. It is expected to be one of the enum values defined in CMdaAudioClipUtility::TState, which defines the possible states of an audio data sample.
aCurrentStateThis is the current state of the audio data sample object. It is expected to be one of the enum values defined in CMdaAudioClipUtility::TState, which defines the possible states of an audio data sample.
aErrorCodeA system wide error code, KErrNone for sucessful completion. KErrInUse, KErrDied or KErrAccessDenied may be returned to indicate that the sound device is in use by another higher priority client.

SelfComplete ( TInt )
