Symbian OS Library


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Client requests

According to the client/server architecture, clients issue requests through handle objects to kernel-maintained sessions. Messaging libraries provide a suitable session handle class called CMsvSession. Message client applications typically create an instance of this class upon start-up. Instances of Client-side MTMs, User Interface MTMs, and high-level client library classes maintain a reference to the message client application’s session object, so that they can make requests as needed.

Message client applications, Client-side MTMs and User Interface MTMs manipulate entries through two classes, TMsvEntry and CMsvEntry. The entry currently being operated on is called the context. A message client application can begin by setting the context to the root entry. By finding the children of this initial entry, and then their children in turn, any entry can be found.

Message type-independent operations, which include creation, deletion, sorting, body text access, and index entry changing, are requested by message client applications and MTMs via CMvsEntry or CMsvServerEntry. The Message Server carries out such operations itself or asks a server MTM to do it.

Message type-dependent operations (such as address handling) are called by message client applications from Client-side and User Interface MTMs. These then access the appropriate message store and alter it as required.