CAknWaitDialog Class Reference

API published in: S60 1st Ed

Link against: avkon.lib eikctl.lib eikcdlg.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <aknwaitdialog.h>

Inherits CAknProgressDialog.

Detailed Description

This class is exactly like CAknProgressDialog except it should be used when the progress of the process cannot be traced and the length of the process is unknown.

If that's not the case please use CAknProgressDialog.

See also:
Usage: iWaitDialog = new(ELeave)CAknWaitDialog( (REINTERPRET_CAST(CEikDialog**,&iWaitDialog))); iWaitDialog->SetTone( CAknNoteDialog::EConfirmationTone ); iWaitDialog->ExecuteLD(R_WAIT_NOTE);

// Process finished iWaitDialog->ProcessFinishedL(); // deletes the dialog

Callback: To get a callback when/if the dialog has been dismissed use SetCallBack API (for more info see aknprogressdialog.h) or make your dialog modal. If the dialog is used as a modal, RunDlgLD returns 0 if the dialog is dismissed and EAknSoftkeyDone if not.

Resource flags:

Note! Dialog should be dismissed only by using ProcessFinishedL() method, it should not be deleted directly (i.e. delete iWaitDialog)!!!

Public Member Functions

IMPORT_C  CAknWaitDialog (CEikDialog **aSelfPtr)
  A class constructor.
IMPORT_C  CAknWaitDialog (CEikDialog **aSelfPtr, TBool aVisibilityDelayOff)
  A class constructor.
IMPORT_C void  HandlePointerEventL (const TPointerEvent &aPointerEvent)
  From CCoeControl Handles pointer events.
IMPORT_C CEikProgressInfo GetProgressInfo ()
  CAknWaitDialog does not support this and hence this method will PANIC.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IMPORT_C CAknWaitDialog::CAknWaitDialog CEikDialog **  aSelfPtr  ) 

A class constructor.

aSelfPtr  Pointer to itself. The pointer needs to be valid when the dialog is dismissed and must not be on the stack.
IMPORT_C CAknWaitDialog::CAknWaitDialog CEikDialog **  aSelfPtr,
TBool  aVisibilityDelayOff

A class constructor.

aSelfPtr  Pointer to itself. The pointer needs to be valid when the dialog is dismissed and must not be on the stack.
aVisibilityDelayOff  If set ETrue the dialog will be visible immediality. Use only when the length of the process is ALWAYS over 1.5 seconds.

Member Function Documentation

IMPORT_C CEikProgressInfo* CAknWaitDialog::GetProgressInfo  ) 

CAknWaitDialog does not support this and hence this method will PANIC.

Therefore do not use it.

IMPORT_C void CAknWaitDialog::HandlePointerEventL const TPointerEvent &  aPointerEvent  )  [virtual]

From CCoeControl Handles pointer events.

Reimplemented from CAknProgressDialog.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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