CEikDialog Class Reference

API published in: S60 1st Ed

Link against: eikdlg.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities


#include <eikdialg.h>

Inherits CEikBorderedControl, MEikDialogPageObserver, and MAknFadedComponent.

Inherited by CAknDialog, and CAknNoteDialog.

Detailed Description

The CEikDialog class provides an instantiable base class for dialogs.

Controls can be added directly to this class but it is normal to create a subclass to handle the controls appearing on the dialog dynamically.

Public Member Functions

  DECLARE_TYPE_ID (0x10282EA8) IMPORT_C CEikDialog()
  C++ default constructor.
IMPORT_C  ~CEikDialog ()
virtual IMPORT_C TInt  ExecuteLD (TInt aResourceId)
  Loads, displays, and destroys the dialog.
virtual IMPORT_C void  PrepareLC (TInt aResourceId)
  Prepares the dialog, constructing it from the specified resource.
IMPORT_C void  ReadResourceLC (TInt aResourceId)
  Reads the dialog resources into the dialog, constructing it from the specified resource.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt  RunLD ()
  Runs the dialog and returns the ID of the button used to dismiss it.
IMPORT_C void  SetTitleL (const TDesC &aText)
  Sets the dialog title text from a descriptor.
IMPORT_C void  SetTitleL (TInt aResourceId)
  Sets the dialog title text from a resource.
IMPORT_C void  SetPageDimmedNow (TInt aPageId, TBool aDimmed)
  Sets the specified page to be dimmed or undimmed.
IMPORT_C void  SetLineNonFocusing (TInt aControlId)
  Sets the specified dialog line to a non-focusing state.
IMPORT_C void  SetLineDimmedNow (TInt aControlId, TBool aDimmed)
  Dims and deactivates, or un-dims and re-activates, the specified line.
IMPORT_C void  MakeLineVisible (TInt aControlId, TBool aVisible)
  Makes the specified control visible or invisible.
IMPORT_C void  MakeWholeLineVisible (TInt aControlId, TBool aVisible)
  Makes the whole specified line visible and active or invisible and inactive.
IMPORT_C void  DeleteLine (TInt aControlId, TBool aRedraw=ETrue)
  Deletes the specified dialog line.
IMPORT_C void  InsertLineL (TInt aIndex, TInt aResourceId, TInt aPageId=0)
  Inserts a line in the dialog.
IMPORT_C void  MakePanelButtonVisible (TInt aButtonId, TBool aVisible)
  Makes the specified panel button visible or invisible.
IMPORT_C void  TryChangeFocusToL (TInt aControlId)
  Tries to change focus to the specified line.
IMPORT_C void  SwitchLineLatency (TInt aBecomesLatent, TInt aNoLongerLatent)
  Switches the latent line.
IMPORT_C void  SetPageDensePacking (TInt aPageId, TBool aDensePacking)
  Sets the specified page to be densely packed, or normally packed.
IMPORT_C void  ConstructAutoDialogLC (TInt aFlags, TInt aButtonsId)
  Dynamically constructs a dialog with the specified flags and buttons and with a single activated empty page with ID 0.
IMPORT_C void  DeclareItemAuto (TInt aControlId, TInt aControlType, TAny *aReturnValue)
  Sets controllers return value.
IMPORT_C void  Layout ()
  Lays out the dialog, setting it to take its preferred size and position for the screen.
IMPORT_C TSize  PreferredSize (const TSize &aMaxSize) const
  Gets the preferred size of a dialog.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl *  CreateLineByTypeL (const TDesC &aCaption, TInt aControlId, TInt aControlType, TAny *aReturnValue)
  Creates a control line on the page ID specified active page in the dialog.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl *  CreateLineByTypeL (const TDesC &aCaption, TInt aPageId, TInt aControlId, TInt aControlType, TAny *aReturnValue)
  Creates a control line on the caption specified active page in the dialog.
IMPORT_C void  SetControlCaptionL (TInt aControlId, const TDesC &aText)
  Sets the specified control's caption text from a descriptor.
IMPORT_C void  SetControlCaptionL (TInt aControlId, TInt aResourceId)
  Sets the specified control's caption text from a resource.
IMPORT_C CEikLabel ControlCaption (TInt aControlId) const
  Gets a pointer to the specified control's caption.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl *  Control (TInt aControlId) const
  Returns a pointer to the specified control.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl *  ControlOrNull (TInt aControlId) const
  Gets a pointer to the specified control.
IMPORT_C CEikButtonGroupContainer ButtonGroupContainer () const
  Gets a reference to the dialog's command button container.
IMPORT_C CEikMover Title () const
  Gets a reference to the dialog title bar.
IMPORT_C TInt  ActivePageId () const
  Gets a page id for the current page.
IMPORT_C void  ActivateFirstPageL () const
  Activates the first page on the dialog.
IMPORT_C void  SetEditableL (TBool aEditable)
  Sets the dialog to either editable or uneditable.
IMPORT_C TBool  IsEditable () const
  Checks if the dialog is editable.
IMPORT_C TKeyResponse  OfferKeyEventL (const TKeyEvent &aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType)
  From CCoeControl.
IMPORT_C void  FocusChanged (TDrawNow aDrawNow)
  From CCoeControl.
virtual IMPORT_C void  GetColorUseListL (CArrayFix< TCoeColorUse > &aColorUseList) const
  From CCoeControl.
virtual IMPORT_C void  HandleResourceChange (TInt aType)
  From CCoeControl.
IMPORT_C TCoeInputCapabilities  InputCapabilities () const
  From CCoeControl.
IMPORT_C void  MakeVisible (TBool aVisible)
  From CCoeControl.
IMPORT_C void  HandlePointerEventL (const TPointerEvent &aPointerEvent)
  From CCoeControl.
virtual IMPORT_C SEikControlInfo  CreateCustomControlL (TInt aControlType)
  From MEikDialogPageObserver.
IMPORT_C MEikDialogPageObserver::TFormControlTypes  ConvertCustomControlTypeToBaseControlType (TInt aControlType) const
  From MEikDialogPageObserver.
virtual IMPORT_C void  GetCustomAutoValue (TAny *aReturnValue, TInt aControlType, const CCoeControl *aControl)
  From MEikDialogPageObserver.
IMPORT_C CEikDialogExtension *  Extension () const
  Access to CEikDialog's extension object.
IMPORT_C TInt  DialogFlags ()
  Gets flags of the dialog.
IMPORT_C void  DeclareAutoTextEditorL (TInt aId, TDes *aText)
IMPORT_C void  DeclareAutoNumberEditor (TInt aId, TInt *aNumber)
IMPORT_C void  DeclareAutoRangeEditor (TInt aId, SEikRange *aRange)
IMPORT_C void  DeclareAutoTimeEditor (TInt aId, TTime *aTime)
IMPORT_C void  DeclareAutoDateEditor (TInt aId, TTime *aDate)
IMPORT_C void  DeclareAutoTimeAndDateEditor (TInt aId, TTime *aTimeAndDate)
IMPORT_C void  DeclareAutoDurationEditor (TInt aId, TTimeIntervalSeconds *aDuration)
IMPORT_C void  DeclareAutoTimeOffsetEditor (TInt aId, TTimeIntervalSeconds *aTimeOffset)
IMPORT_C void  DeclareAutoFixedPointEditor (TInt aId, TInt *aValue)
IMPORT_C void  DeclareAutoSecretEditor (TInt aId, TDes *aText)
IMPORT_C void  AddAutoTextEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, TInt aFlags, TInt aWidthInChars, TInt aNoOfLines, TDes *aReturn)
IMPORT_C void  AddAutoGlobalTextEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, TInt aFlags, TInt aWidthInChars, TInt aNoOfLines, TInt aTextLimit, CGlobalText *aReturn, TInt aFontControlFlags=EGulFontControlAll, TInt aFontNameFlags=EGulNoSymbolFonts)
IMPORT_C void  AddAutoRichTextEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, TInt aFlags, TInt aWidthInChars, TInt aNoOfLines, TInt aTextLimit, CGlobalText *aReturn, TInt aFontControlFlags=EGulFontControlAll, TInt aFontNameFlags=EGulNoSymbolFonts)
IMPORT_C void  AddAutoNumberEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, TInt aMin, TInt aMax, TInt *aReturn)
IMPORT_C void  AddAutoRangeEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, TInt aMin, TInt aMax, HBufC *aSeparatorText, SEikRange *aReturn)
IMPORT_C void  AddAutoTimeEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, const TTime &aMin, const TTime &aMax, TBool aNoSeconds, TTime *aReturn)
IMPORT_C void  AddAutoDateEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, const TTime &aMin, const TTime &aMax, TBool aNoPopout, TTime *aReturn)
IMPORT_C void  AddAutoTimeAndDateEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, const TTime &aMin, const TTime &aMax, TBool aNoSeconds, TBool aNoPopout, HBufC *aInterveningText, TTime *aReturn)
IMPORT_C void  AddAutoDurationEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aMin, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aMax, TBool aNoSeconds, TTimeIntervalSeconds *aReturn)
IMPORT_C void  AddAutoTimeOffsetEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aMin, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aMax, TBool aNoSeconds, TTimeIntervalSeconds *aReturn)
IMPORT_C void  AddAutoFloatEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, const TReal &aMin, const TReal &aMax, TReal *aReturn)
IMPORT_C void  AddAutoFixedPointEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, TInt aMin, TInt aMax, TInt *aRetValue, TInt aDecimalPlaces)
IMPORT_C void  AddAutoSecretEditorL (const TDesC &aPrompt, TInt aId, TDes *aReturn)
virtual IMPORT_C void  HandleDialogPageEventL (TInt aEventID)
  From CEikDialog (MEikDialogPageObserver).
IMPORT_C void  PublishDialogL (TInt aDialogIndex, TUid aCatUid=KNullUid)
  Instantiates mediator support and send a command with given parameters when a dialog is brought to display.
IMPORT_C void  SetMediatorObserver (MAknDialogMediatorObserver *aObserver)
  Instantiates mediator support and passes possible feedback to given intance.
IMPORT_C void  SlideDialog ()
IMPORT_C void  SetMultilineQuery (TBool aIsMultilineQuery)
  Sets dialog to be multilinequery.

Protected Member Functions

virtual IMPORT_C void  PrepareForFocusTransitionL ()
  From MEikDialogPageObserver.
virtual IMPORT_C void  PageChangedL (TInt aPageId)
  From MEikDialogPageObserver.
virtual IMPORT_C void  LineChangedL (TInt aControlId)
  From MEikDialogPageObserver.
IMPORT_C void  PrepareContext (CWindowGc &aGc) const
  From MCoeControlContext.
IMPORT_C void  WriteInternalStateL (RWriteStream &aWriteStream) const
  From CCoeControl.
IMPORT_C TInt  CountComponentControls () const
  Returns the number of the control components.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl *  ComponentControl (TInt aIndex) const
  Returns a pointer to the component control at the specified index in the component control list.
IMPORT_C TInt  GetNumberOfLinesOnPage (TInt aPageIndex) const
  Gets number of lines in the specified page.
IMPORT_C TInt  GetNumberOfPages () const
  Gets number of pages in the page selector.
IMPORT_C CEikCaptionedControl GetLineByLineAndPageIndex (TInt aLineIndex, TInt aPageIndex) const
  Gets specified line from specified page.
IMPORT_C void  HandleControlEventL (CCoeControl *aControl, TCoeEvent aEventType)
  From MCoeControlObserver.
IMPORT_C void  TryExitL (TInt aButtonId)
  Tries to exit the dialog when the specified button is pressed, if this button should exit the dialog.
IMPORT_C void  AdjustAllIdsOnPage (TInt aPageId, TInt aControlIdDelta)
  Adjusts the IDs of all controls on a specified page.
IMPORT_C void  ConstructSleepingDialogL (TInt aResourceId)
  Protected constructor creates a sleeping dialog from a resource.
IMPORT_C void  ConstructSleepingAlertDialogL (TInt aResourceId)
  Protected construction of a high priority sleeping dialog from a resource.
IMPORT_C TInt  RouseSleepingDialog ()
  Rouses a sleeping dialog by dynamically constructing the dialog and then bringing it to the front.
IMPORT_C void  ExitSleepingDialog ()
  Exits sleeping dialog without deleting it.
IMPORT_C TInt  IdOfFocusControl () const
  Gets the ID of the control in the focused line.
IMPORT_C TInt  FindLineIndex (const CCoeControl &aControl) const
  Gets the line index of the specified control.
IMPORT_C CEikCaptionedControl Line (TInt aControlId) const
  Gets a pointer to the line containing the specified control.
IMPORT_C CEikCaptionedControl CurrentLine () const
  Gets a pointer to the current line.
IMPORT_C TBool  RotateFocusByL (TInt aDelta)
  Rotates the focus by a specified number of steps.
IMPORT_C TInt  ActivePageIndex () const
  Gets the index of the dialog's active page.
IMPORT_C void  ResetLineMinimumSizes ()
  Recalculates the minimum sizes of the lines on the active page.
IMPORT_C CEikButtonGroupContainer SwapButtonGroupContainer (CEikButtonGroupContainer *aContainer)
  Swaps the dialog's button group container with a new container.
IMPORT_C MEikCommandObserver *  ButtonCommandObserver () const
  Gets a pointer to the dialog's internal button command observer.
virtual IMPORT_C TBool  OkToExitL (TInt aButtonId)
  Not implemented.
virtual IMPORT_C void  PreLayoutDynInitL ()
  Initializes the dialog's controls before the dialog is sized and layed out.
virtual IMPORT_C void  PostLayoutDynInitL ()
  Initializes the dialog's controls after the dialog has been sized but before it has been activated.
virtual IMPORT_C void  SetInitialCurrentLine ()
  Sets the line which initally receives focus.
virtual IMPORT_C void  HandleControlStateChangeL (TInt aControlId)
  Handles a state change in the control with id aControlId.
virtual IMPORT_C void  HandleInteractionRefused (TInt aControlId)
  Should handle an attempt by the user to activate a dimmed button with id aControlId.
virtual IMPORT_C void  SetSizeAndPosition (const TSize &aSize)
  Sets the size and position of the dialog given the specified size hint.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt  BorderStyle ()
  Returns the border style for this dialog.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt  MappedCommandId (TInt aButtonId)
  Routine to map the button id ( Avkon softkey command id) to CEikBidCancel if it is a "cancel" type command type.
IMPORT_C TInt  FormFlagsFromActivePage ()
  Get form flags of the active page.
virtual IMPORT_C CEikCaptionedControl GetFirstLineOnFirstPageOrNull ()
  Gets first line of the first page.
IMPORT_C void  ControlsOnPage (RArray< CEikCaptionedControl * > &aControls, TInt aPageId) const
  Gets all lines in the given page.
IMPORT_C TTypeUid::Ptr  MopSupplyObject (TTypeUid aId)
  From MObjectProvider.
void  RegisterDialgWithPageSelector ()
  Sets the current Dialog into the Page selector.
IMPORT_C void  SetLabelL (TInt aControlId, const TDesC &aDes)
IMPORT_C void  SetLabelL (TInt aControlId, TInt aResourceId)
IMPORT_C void  SetLabelReserveLengthL (TInt aControlId, TInt aLength)
IMPORT_C void  SetEdwinTextL (TInt aControlId, const TDesC *aDes)
IMPORT_C void  SetTextEditorTextL (TInt aControlId, const CGlobalText *aGlobalText)
IMPORT_C void  ResetSecretEditor (TInt aControlId)
IMPORT_C void  SetFloatingPointEditorValueL (TInt aControlId, const TReal *aValue)
IMPORT_C void  SetFixedPointEditorValueL (TInt aControlId, TInt aValue)
IMPORT_C void  SetFixedPointEditorDecimal (TInt aControlId, TInt aDecimal)
IMPORT_C void  SetNumberEditorMinAndMax (TInt aControlId, TInt aMinimumValue, TInt aMaximumValue)
IMPORT_C void  SetNumberEditorValue (TInt aControlId, TInt aNumber)
IMPORT_C void  SetFloatEditorMinAndMax (TInt aControlId, TInt aMin, TInt aMax)
IMPORT_C void  SetFloatEditorValueL (TInt aControlId, TReal aFloat)
IMPORT_C void  SetRangeEditorMinAndMax (TInt aControlId, TInt aMinimumValue, TInt aMaximumValue)
IMPORT_C void  SetRangeEditorValue (TInt aControlId, const SEikRange &aRange)
IMPORT_C void  SetTTimeEditorMinAndMax (TInt aControlId, const TTime &aMinimumTime, const TTime &aMaximumTime)
IMPORT_C void  SetTTimeEditorValue (TInt aControlId, const TTime &aTime)
IMPORT_C void  SetDurationEditorMinAndMax (TInt aControlId, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aMinimumDuration, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aMaximumDuration)
IMPORT_C void  SetDurationEditorValue (TInt aControlId, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aDuration)
IMPORT_C void  SetTimeOffsetEditorMinAndMax (TInt aControlId, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aMinimumTimeOffset, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aMaximumTimeOffset)
IMPORT_C void  SetTimeOffsetEditorValue (TInt aControlId, const TTimeIntervalSeconds &aTimeOffset)
IMPORT_C void  SetListBoxCurrentItem (TInt aControlId, TInt aItem)
IMPORT_C void  SetFileNameL (TInt aControlId, const TDesC *aFileName)
IMPORT_C void  GetLabelText (TDes &aDes, TInt aControlId) const
IMPORT_C void  GetEdwinText (TDes &aDes, TInt aControlId) const
IMPORT_C void  GetTextEditorText (CGlobalText *&aGlobalText, TInt aControlId)
IMPORT_C void  GetSecretEditorText (TDes &aDes, TInt aControlId) const
IMPORT_C TReal  FloatingPointEditorValue (TInt aControlId) const
IMPORT_C TInt  FixedPointEditorValue (TInt aControlId) const
IMPORT_C TInt  FixedPointEditorDecimal (TInt aControlId) const
IMPORT_C TReal  FloatEditorValue (TInt aControlId) const
IMPORT_C TInt  NumberEditorValue (TInt aControlId) const
IMPORT_C SEikRange  RangeEditorValue (TInt aControlId) const
IMPORT_C TTime  TTimeEditorValue (TInt aControlId) const
IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalSeconds  DurationEditorValue (TInt aControlId) const
IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalSeconds  TimeOffsetEditorValue (TInt aControlId) const
IMPORT_C void  GetAutoValuesFromPage (CEikCapCArray *aLines)
IMPORT_C TInt  ListBoxCurrentItem (TInt aControlId) const
IMPORT_C void  GetFileName (TFileName *aFileName, TInt aControlId) const
IMPORT_C void  UpdatePageL (TBool aRedraw)
  Only has effect on forms, call this after adding or deleting lines.


class  CEikDialogButtonCommandObserver
class  CEikDialogExtension
class  CAknDialog
class  CAknCharMap
class  CAknCharMapDialog
class  CAknNoteDialog
class  CAknMediatorFacade

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IMPORT_C CEikDialog::~CEikDialog  ) 


Member Function Documentation

IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::ActivateFirstPageL  )  const

Activates the first page on the dialog.

At least one page must be active before this method can be used.

IMPORT_C TInt CEikDialog::ActivePageId  )  const

Gets a page id for the current page.

Page id.
IMPORT_C TInt CEikDialog::ActivePageIndex  )  const [protected]

Gets the index of the dialog's active page.

Pages are indexed from 0 in the order they are added.

The index of the active page.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::AddAutoDateEditorL const TDesC &  aPrompt,
TInt  aId,
const TTime &  aMin,
const TTime &  aMax,
TBool  aNoPopout,
TTime *  aReturn
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::AddAutoDurationEditorL const TDesC &  aPrompt,
TInt  aId,
const TTimeIntervalSeconds &  aMin,
const TTimeIntervalSeconds &  aMax,
TBool  aNoSeconds,
TTimeIntervalSeconds *  aReturn
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::AddAutoFixedPointEditorL const TDesC &  aPrompt,
TInt  aId,
TInt  aMin,
TInt  aMax,
TInt *  aRetValue,
TInt  aDecimalPlaces
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::AddAutoFloatEditorL const TDesC &  aPrompt,
TInt  aId,
const TReal &  aMin,
const TReal &  aMax,
TReal *  aReturn
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::AddAutoGlobalTextEditorL const TDesC &  aPrompt,
TInt  aId,
TInt  aFlags,
TInt  aWidthInChars,
TInt  aNoOfLines,
TInt  aTextLimit,
CGlobalText *  aReturn,
TInt  aFontControlFlags = EGulFontControlAll,
TInt  aFontNameFlags = EGulNoSymbolFonts
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::AddAutoNumberEditorL const TDesC &  aPrompt,
TInt  aId,
TInt  aMin,
TInt  aMax,
TInt *  aReturn
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::AddAutoRangeEditorL const TDesC &  aPrompt,
TInt  aId,
TInt  aMin,
TInt  aMax,
HBufC *  aSeparatorText,
SEikRange aReturn
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::AddAutoRichTextEditorL const TDesC &  aPrompt,
TInt  aId,
TInt  aFlags,
TInt  aWidthInChars,
TInt  aNoOfLines,
TInt  aTextLimit,
CGlobalText *  aReturn,
TInt  aFontControlFlags = EGulFontControlAll,
TInt  aFontNameFlags = EGulNoSymbolFonts
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::AddAutoSecretEditorL const TDesC &  aPrompt,
TInt  aId,
TDes *  aReturn
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::AddAutoTextEditorL const TDesC &  aPrompt,
TInt  aId,
TInt  aFlags,
TInt  aWidthInChars,
TInt  aNoOfLines,
TDes *  aReturn
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::AddAutoTimeAndDateEditorL const TDesC &  aPrompt,
TInt  aId,
const TTime &  aMin,
const TTime &  aMax,
TBool  aNoSeconds,
TBool  aNoPopout,
HBufC *  aInterveningText,
TTime *  aReturn
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::AddAutoTimeEditorL const TDesC &  aPrompt,
TInt  aId,
const TTime &  aMin,
const TTime &  aMax,
TBool  aNoSeconds,
TTime *  aReturn
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::AddAutoTimeOffsetEditorL const TDesC &  aPrompt,
TInt  aId,
const TTimeIntervalSeconds &  aMin,
const TTimeIntervalSeconds &  aMax,
TBool  aNoSeconds,
TTimeIntervalSeconds *  aReturn
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::AdjustAllIdsOnPage TInt  aPageId,
TInt  aControlIdDelta

Adjusts the IDs of all controls on a specified page.

The adjustment consists of incrementing all the control IDs by aControlIdDelta.

aPageId  The page on which the control IDs are to be adjusted.
aControlIdDelta  The amount to increment the IDs.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt CEikDialog::BorderStyle  )  [protected, virtual]

Returns the border style for this dialog.

Border style. Always returns AknBorderId::EAknBorderNotePopup.

Reimplemented in CAknListQueryDialog.

IMPORT_C MEikCommandObserver* CEikDialog::ButtonCommandObserver  )  const [protected]

Gets a pointer to the dialog's internal button command observer.

This is required when creating a new button group container for the dialog.

A dialog uses a proxy to observe button commands. This means dialog subclasses can directly observe commands, either issued by controls added to the dialog pages, or by menus launched by the dialog.

A pointer to the dialog's internal button command observer.
IMPORT_C CEikButtonGroupContainer& CEikDialog::ButtonGroupContainer  )  const

Gets a reference to the dialog's command button container.

The dialog's button group container.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl* CEikDialog::ComponentControl TInt  aIndex  )  const [protected]

Returns a pointer to the component control at the specified index in the component control list.

Does not imply transfer of ownership.

aIndex  The index of the required component control.
The required component control.

Reimplemented in CAknSelectionListDialog.

IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::ConstructAutoDialogLC TInt  aFlags,
TInt  aButtonsId

Dynamically constructs a dialog with the specified flags and buttons and with a single activated empty page with ID 0.

The dialog is therefore ready to dynamically add lines to.

aFlags  Dialog flags.
aButtonsId  Dialog buttons.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::ConstructSleepingAlertDialogL TInt  aResourceId  )  [protected]

Protected construction of a high priority sleeping dialog from a resource.

A sleeping dialog is one which can be displayed at any time since its memory resources are pre-allocated.

aResourceId  The resource ID of the dialog to be constructed.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::ConstructSleepingDialogL TInt  aResourceId  )  [protected]

Protected constructor creates a sleeping dialog from a resource.

A sleeping dialog is one which can be displayed at any time since its memory resources are pre-allocated.

aResourceId  The resource ID of the dialog to be constructed.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl* CEikDialog::Control TInt  aControlId  )  const

Returns a pointer to the specified control.

Panics if the control ID is invalid. Does not imply transfer of ownership.

aControlId  The ID of the control for which a pointer is required.
A pointer to the control with ID aControlId.
IMPORT_C CEikLabel* CEikDialog::ControlCaption TInt  aControlId  )  const

Gets a pointer to the specified control's caption.

aControlId  The ID of the control for which the label is required.
A pointer to the caption.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl* CEikDialog::ControlOrNull TInt  aControlId  )  const

Gets a pointer to the specified control.

aControlId  The ID of the control for which a pointer is required.
A pointer to the control with ID aControlId, or NULL if it doesn't exist.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::ControlsOnPage RArray< CEikCaptionedControl * > &  aControls,
TInt  aPageId
const [protected]

Gets all lines in the given page.

aControls  After execution holds all captions in the page.
aPageId  ID of the target page.
IMPORT_C MEikDialogPageObserver::TFormControlTypes CEikDialog::ConvertCustomControlTypeToBaseControlType TInt  aControlType  )  const [virtual]

From MEikDialogPageObserver.

For forms only: Ths should be overriden with mappings between the base control types that form knows how to layout.

Always returns MEikDialogPageObserver::EUnknownType.

aControlType  Not used.
Current implementation always returns MEikDialogPageObserver::EUnknownType.

Implements MEikDialogPageObserver.

IMPORT_C TInt CEikDialog::CountComponentControls  )  const [protected]

Returns the number of the control components.

In Avkon returns 2 as the button group container is not internal.

Number of control components.

Reimplemented in CAknSelectionListDialog.

virtual IMPORT_C SEikControlInfo CEikDialog::CreateCustomControlL TInt  aControlType  )  [virtual]

From MEikDialogPageObserver.

Creates a control line in the dialog.on the active page with caption text aCaption. The line can thereafter be accessed through the identifier aControlId. A control of type aControlType is created by the Eikon control factory and the return value of the line set to aReturnValue. If the value of aControlType is not known to the Eikon control factory then the construction of the control must be handled by CreateCustomControlL.

aControlType  The type of the custom control.
Information for the custom control.

Implements MEikDialogPageObserver.

Reimplemented in CAknSelectionListDialog.

IMPORT_C CCoeControl* CEikDialog::CreateLineByTypeL const TDesC &  aCaption,
TInt  aPageId,
TInt  aControlId,
TInt  aControlType,
TAny *  aReturnValue

Creates a control line on the caption specified active page in the dialog.

The line can thereafter be accessed through the identifier aControlId. A control of type aControlType is created by the control factory and the return value of the line set to aReturnValue. If the value of aControlType is not known to the control factory then the construction of the control must be handled by CreateCustomControlL().

aCaption  The active page on which the control line is to be created.
aPageId  The ID of the active page on which the control line is to be created.
aControlId  The ID of the control. After the line is created this can be used to access it.
aControlType  The type of control to create.
aReturnValue  Deprecated. A random pointer.
A pointer to the newly created control.
IMPORT_C CCoeControl* CEikDialog::CreateLineByTypeL const TDesC &  aCaption,
TInt  aControlId,
TInt  aControlType,
TAny *  aReturnValue

Creates a control line on the page ID specified active page in the dialog.

The line can thereafter be accessed through the identifier aControlId. A control of type aControlType is created by the control factory and the return value of the line set to aReturnValue. If the value of aControlType is not known to the control factory then the construction of the control must be handled by CreateCustomControlL().

aCaption  The caption to appear in the dialog line.
aControlId  The ID of the active page on which the control line is to be created.
aControlType  The type of control to create.
aReturnValue  Deprecated. A random pointer.
A pointer to the newly created control.
IMPORT_C CEikCaptionedControl* CEikDialog::CurrentLine  )  const [protected]

Gets a pointer to the current line.

This does not imply transfer of ownership from the dialog.

A pointer to the current line.
CEikDialog::DECLARE_TYPE_ID 0x10282EA8   ) 

C++ default constructor.

IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::DeclareAutoDateEditor TInt  aId,
TTime *  aDate
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::DeclareAutoDurationEditor TInt  aId,
TTimeIntervalSeconds *  aDuration
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::DeclareAutoFixedPointEditor TInt  aId,
TInt *  aValue
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::DeclareAutoNumberEditor TInt  aId,
TInt *  aNumber
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::DeclareAutoRangeEditor TInt  aId,
SEikRange aRange
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::DeclareAutoSecretEditor TInt  aId,
TDes *  aText
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::DeclareAutoTextEditorL TInt  aId,
TDes *  aText
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::DeclareAutoTimeAndDateEditor TInt  aId,
TTime *  aTimeAndDate
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::DeclareAutoTimeEditor TInt  aId,
TTime *  aTime
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::DeclareAutoTimeOffsetEditor TInt  aId,
TTimeIntervalSeconds *  aTimeOffset
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::DeclareItemAuto TInt  aControlId,
TInt  aControlType,
TAny *  aReturnValue

Sets controllers return value.

[in]  aControlId  Control identifier for wanted caption controller.
[in]  aControlType  Type of control.
[out]  aReturnValue  Controllers return value.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::DeleteLine TInt  aControlId,
TBool  aRedraw = ETrue

Deletes the specified dialog line.

aControlId  The dialog line to delete.
aRedraw  Whether to redraw the page. Default value is ETrue.
IMPORT_C TInt CEikDialog::DialogFlags  ) 

Gets flags of the dialog.

Dialog flags.
IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalSeconds CEikDialog::DurationEditorValue TInt  aControlId  )  const [protected]
Not supported.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt CEikDialog::ExecuteLD TInt  aResourceId  )  [virtual]

Loads, displays, and destroys the dialog.

This function loads the specified dialog from a resource and displays it. The method then destroys the dialog when it exits, therefore there is no need for the application program to destroy the dialog.

In the resource file, use the EEikBidOk dialog button ID for an OK/Done/Continue button and EEikBidCancel for a Cancel button.

The function returns immediately unless EEikDialogFlagWait has been specified in the DIALOG resource. If EEikDialogFlagWait is specified, it returns when the dialog exits.

aResourceId  The resource ID of the dialog to load.
Zero, unless it is a waiting dialog. For a waiting dialog, the return value is the ID of the button that closed the dialog, or zero if it was the cancel button (EEikBidCancel).

Reimplemented in CAknDialog, CAknNoteWrapper, and CAknQueryDialog.

IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::ExitSleepingDialog  )  [protected]

Exits sleeping dialog without deleting it.

Reimplemented in CAknNoteDialog.

IMPORT_C CEikDialogExtension* CEikDialog::Extension  )  const

Access to CEikDialog's extension object.

Pointer to extension object. Constructed in CEikDialog::BaseContructL
IMPORT_C TInt CEikDialog::FindLineIndex const CCoeControl &  aControl  )  const [protected]

Gets the line index of the specified control.

The control must be on the active page.

aControl  The control for which the line index is required.
The line index, or KErrNotFound if the control is not on the active page.
IMPORT_C TInt CEikDialog::FixedPointEditorDecimal TInt  aControlId  )  const [protected]
Not supported.
IMPORT_C TInt CEikDialog::FixedPointEditorValue TInt  aControlId  )  const [protected]
Not supported.
IMPORT_C TReal CEikDialog::FloatEditorValue TInt  aControlId  )  const [protected]
Not supported.
IMPORT_C TReal CEikDialog::FloatingPointEditorValue TInt  aControlId  )  const [protected]
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::FocusChanged TDrawNow  aDrawNow  ) 

From CCoeControl.

Responds to a change in focus.

This is called whenever the control gains or loses focus, as a result of a call to SetFocus(). A typical use of FocusChanged() is to change the appearance of the control, for example by drawing a focus rectangle around it.

The default implementation is empty, and should be overridden by the CCoeControl-derived class.

aDrawNow  Contains the value that was passed to it by SetFocus().

Reimplemented in CAknDialog.

IMPORT_C TInt CEikDialog::FormFlagsFromActivePage  )  [protected]

Get form flags of the active page.

Active page's form flags
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::GetAutoValuesFromPage CEikCapCArray aLines  )  [protected]
Not supported.
virtual IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::GetColorUseListL CArrayFix< TCoeColorUse > &  aColorUseList  )  const [virtual]

From CCoeControl.

Gets the list of logical colours used to draw the control.

The list includes an explanation of how each colour is used. The default implementation is empty.

If overriding GetColorUseListL(), the implementation must include a base call to CCoeControl's GetColorUseListL().

&aColorUseList  The colour list.

Reimplemented from CEikBorderedControl.

virtual IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::GetCustomAutoValue TAny *  aReturnValue,
TInt  aControlType,
const CCoeControl *  aControl

From MEikDialogPageObserver.

Should be implemented to get the custom auto value for the custom control aControl of type aControlType with return value aReturnValue.

This method is included in the interface to support deprecated legacy code only.

Not implemented.

aReturnValue  The custom controls return value.
aControlType  The type of the custom control.
aControl  The control whose auto value is being retrieved.

Implements MEikDialogPageObserver.

IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::GetEdwinText TDes &  aDes,
TInt  aControlId
const [protected]
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::GetFileName TFileName *  aFileName,
TInt  aControlId
const [protected]
Not supported.
virtual IMPORT_C CEikCaptionedControl* CEikDialog::GetFirstLineOnFirstPageOrNull  )  [protected, virtual]

Gets first line of the first page.

Pointer to the first line of the first page. If NULL there is no such line.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::GetLabelText TDes &  aDes,
TInt  aControlId
const [protected]
Not supported.
IMPORT_C CEikCaptionedControl* CEikDialog::GetLineByLineAndPageIndex TInt  aLineIndex,
TInt  aPageIndex
const [protected]

Gets specified line from specified page.

aLineIndex  Index of the requested line.
aPageIndex  Index of the requested page.
The wanted line.
IMPORT_C TInt CEikDialog::GetNumberOfLinesOnPage TInt  aPageIndex  )  const [protected]

Gets number of lines in the specified page.

aPageIndex  Index of the page container.
The number of lines in the page.
IMPORT_C TInt CEikDialog::GetNumberOfPages  )  const [protected]

Gets number of pages in the page selector.

The number of pages.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::GetSecretEditorText TDes &  aDes,
TInt  aControlId
const [protected]
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::GetTextEditorText CGlobalText *&  aGlobalText,
TInt  aControlId
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::HandleControlEventL CCoeControl *  aControl,
TCoeEvent  aEventType

From MCoeControlObserver.

Handles control events.

The default implementation handles events of type EEventStateChanged, EEventInteractionRefused, and EEventPrepareFocusTransition by calling HandleControlStateChangeL(), HandleInteractionRefused(), and PrepareForFocusTransitionL() respectively.

Overrides MCoeControlObserver::HandleControlEventL().

aControl  The control reporting the event.
aEventType  The event type.

Reimplemented in CAknColourSelectionGrid.

virtual IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::HandleControlStateChangeL TInt  aControlId  )  [protected, virtual]

Handles a state change in the control with id aControlId.

Empty by default.

aControlId  Not used.

Reimplemented in CAknForm.

virtual IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::HandleDialogPageEventL TInt  aEventID  )  [virtual]

From CEikDialog (MEikDialogPageObserver).

The interface method which is called when dialog page is tapped with a stylus.

aEventID  An event identification number.

Implements MEikDialogPageObserver.

Reimplemented in CAknColourSelectionGrid, and CAknNoteWrapper.

virtual IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::HandleInteractionRefused TInt  aControlId  )  [protected, virtual]

Should handle an attempt by the user to activate a dimmed button with id aControlId.

Prints an info message by default.

Not implemented / Does nothing in Avkon.

aControlId  Not used.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::HandlePointerEventL const TPointerEvent &  aPointerEvent  ) 

From CCoeControl.

Handles pointer events.

This function gets called whenever a pointer event occurs in the control, i.e. when the pointer is within the control's extent, or when the control has grabbed the pointer. The control should implement this function to handle pointer events.

Note: events of type EButton1Down are processed before HandlePointerEventL() is called, in order to transfer keyboard focus to the control in which the EButton1Down event occurred.

If overriding HandlePointerEventL(), the implementation must include a base call to CCoeControl's HandlePointerEventL().

aPointerEvent  The pointer event.

Reimplemented from CEikBorderedControl.

Reimplemented in CAknDialog, CAknForm, CAknListQueryDialog, CAknMessageQueryDialog, CAknNoteDialog, CAknNoteWrapper, CAknResourceNoteDialog, CAknConfirmationNote, CAknInformationNote, CAknErrorNote, CAknWarningNote, CAknProgressDialog, CAknQueryDialog, CAknTextQueryDialog, CAknNumberQueryDialog, CAknTimeQueryDialog, CAknDurationQueryDialog, CAknFloatingPointQueryDialog, CAknMultiLineDataQueryDialog, CAknSelectionListDialog, CAknMarkableListDialog, CAknStaticNoteDialog, CAknWaitDialog, CEikAlert, and CEikInfoDialog.

virtual IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::HandleResourceChange TInt  aType  )  [virtual]

From CCoeControl.

Handles a change to the control's resources.

The types of resources handled are those which are shared across the environment, e.g. colours or fonts. For colour scheme changes, DrawDeferred() is called in order to redraw the control.

If overriding HandleResourceChange(), the implementation must include a base call to CCoeControl's HandleResourceChange().

aType  A message UID value.

Reimplemented from CEikBorderedControl.

Reimplemented in CAknForm, CAknListQueryDialog, CAknNoteDialog, CAknMultiLineDataQueryDialog, and CAknMultiLineIpQueryDialog.

IMPORT_C TInt CEikDialog::IdOfFocusControl  )  const [protected]

Gets the ID of the control in the focused line.

Current control ID.
IMPORT_C TCoeInputCapabilities CEikDialog::InputCapabilities  )  const

From CCoeControl.

Gets the control's input capabilities.

Classes that override CCoeControl::OfferKeyEventL() should also override this function, returning a TCoeInputCapabilities object whose attributes correspond to the behaviour of the OfferKeyEventL() function. The default implementation returns TCoeInputCapabilities::ENone.

It is not necessary to call InputCapabilities() on any component controls from inside a class's InputCapabilities() function. This is done automatically by the UI Control Framework.

The control's input capabilities.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::InsertLineL TInt  aIndex,
TInt  aResourceId,
TInt  aPageId = 0

Inserts a line in the dialog.

The function takes as arguments the page and line index at which the line is to be inserted, and the resource used to construct it.

aIndex  The index at which the line is to be inserted.
aResourceId  The ID of the resource which defines the line.
aPageId  The page on which the line is to be added.
IMPORT_C TBool CEikDialog::IsEditable  )  const

Checks if the dialog is editable.

ETrue if editable.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::Layout  ) 

Lays out the dialog, setting it to take its preferred size and position for the screen.

IMPORT_C CEikCaptionedControl* CEikDialog::Line TInt  aControlId  )  const [protected]

Gets a pointer to the line containing the specified control.

This does not imply transfer of ownership from the dialog.

aControlId  The ID of the control.
A pointer to the line containing the control identified by aControlId.
virtual IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::LineChangedL TInt  aControlId  )  [protected, virtual]

From MEikDialogPageObserver.

Should be implemented to take any action required when the current line is changed to aControlId.

Not implemented.

aControlId  The ID of the control being switched to.

Implements MEikDialogPageObserver.

IMPORT_C TInt CEikDialog::ListBoxCurrentItem TInt  aControlId  )  const [protected]
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::MakeLineVisible TInt  aControlId,
TBool  aVisible

Makes the specified control visible or invisible.

This function affects the specified control, the visibility of the caption is not affected.

aControlId  The ID of the control to make visible or invisible.
aVisible  ETrue to make the control visible. EFalse to make the control invisible.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::MakePanelButtonVisible TInt  aButtonId,
TBool  aVisible

Makes the specified panel button visible or invisible.

aButtonId  The ID of the panel button to make visible or invisible.
aVisible  ETrue to make the panel visible. EFalse to make it invisible.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::MakeVisible TBool  aVisible  ) 

From CCoeControl.

Sets the dialog visibility

aVisible  ETrue control is visible. EFalse control is invisible.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::MakeWholeLineVisible TInt  aControlId,
TBool  aVisible

Makes the whole specified line visible and active or invisible and inactive.

This function affects both the specified control and the caption.

aControlId  The ID of the control on the line to make visible or invisible.
aVisible  ETrue to make the line visible. EFalse to make the line invisible.
virtual IMPORT_C TInt CEikDialog::MappedCommandId TInt  aButtonId  )  [protected, virtual]

Routine to map the button id ( Avkon softkey command id) to CEikBidCancel if it is a "cancel" type command type.

The following cases are mapped to a give an ExecuteLD return value of 0:

EAknSoftkeyCancel: EAknSoftkeyBack: EAknSoftkeyNo:

Other cases are left unchanged.

This operation is performed at the last minute and does not affect other processing in CEik/AknDialog.

It is a framework method; It can be overridded to obtain customized behaviour.

aButtonId  input id to map.
0 for re-mapped negative command ids other values are returned as their original command id values.
IMPORT_C TTypeUid::Ptr CEikDialog::MopSupplyObject TTypeUid  aId  )  [protected]

From MObjectProvider.

Retrieves an object of the same type as that encapsulated in aId.

This function is used to allow controls to ask their owners for access to other objects that they own.

Other than in the case where NULL is returned, the object returned must be of the same object type - that is, the ETypeId member of the object pointed to by the pointer returned by this function must be equal to the iUid member of aId.

aId  An encapsulated object type ID.
Encapsulates the pointer to the object provided. Note that the encapsulated pointer may be NULL.

Reimplemented in CAknDialog.

IMPORT_C TInt CEikDialog::NumberEditorValue TInt  aControlId  )  const [protected]
Not supported.
IMPORT_C TKeyResponse CEikDialog::OfferKeyEventL const TKeyEvent &  aKeyEvent,
TEventCode  aType

From CCoeControl.

Handles a key event. Overrides CCoeControl::OfferKeyEventL().

aKeyEvent  The key event.
aType  The type of key event: EEventKey, EEventKeyUp or EEventKeyDown.
Indicates whether or not the key event was used by this control. EKeyWasConsumed if the control takes action on the key event or EKeyWasNotConsumed otherwise.

Reimplemented in CAknDialog, CAknListQueryDialog, CAknMessageQueryDialog, CAknNoteDialog, CAknProgressDialog, CAknQueryDialog, CAknSelectionListDialog, CAknMarkableListDialog, and CAknStaticNoteDialog.

virtual IMPORT_C TBool CEikDialog::OkToExitL TInt  aButtonId  )  [protected, virtual]

Not implemented.

aButtonId  Not used.
Always return ETrue.

Reimplemented in CAknDialog, CAknForm, CAknListQueryDialog, CAknProgressDialog, CAknQueryDialog, CAknTextQueryDialog, CAknNumberQueryDialog, CAknTimeQueryDialog, CAknDurationQueryDialog, CAknFloatingPointQueryDialog, CAknMultiLineDataQueryDialog, CAknIpAddressQueryDialog, CAknFixedPointQueryDialog, CAknMultiLineIpQueryDialog, CAknSelectionListDialog, and CAknMarkableListDialog.

virtual IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::PageChangedL TInt  aPageId  )  [protected, virtual]

From MEikDialogPageObserver.

Should be implemented to take any action required when the active dialog page is changed.

Not implemented.

aPageId  The ID of the page being switched to.

Implements MEikDialogPageObserver.

virtual IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::PostLayoutDynInitL  )  [protected, virtual]

Initializes the dialog's controls after the dialog has been sized but before it has been activated.

Empty by default.

Reimplemented in CAknForm, CAknListQueryDialog, CAknMessageQueryDialog, CAknNoteDialog, CAknQueryDialog, CAknIpAddressQueryDialog, CAknFixedPointQueryDialog, CAknSelectionListDialog, CAknMarkableListDialog, and CAknStaticNoteDialog.

IMPORT_C TSize CEikDialog::PreferredSize const TSize &  aMaxSize  )  const

Gets the preferred size of a dialog.

The maximum size that the dialog must fit within must be specified, e.g. the size of the physical screen.

aMaxSize  The maximum size of the area in which the dialog must fit.
The preferred size of the dialog.
virtual IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::PreLayoutDynInitL  )  [protected, virtual]

Initializes the dialog's controls before the dialog is sized and layed out.

Empty by default.

Reimplemented in CAknListQueryDialog, CAknMessageQueryDialog, CAknNoteDialog, CAknProgressDialog, CAknQueryDialog, CAknTextQueryDialog, CAknNumberQueryDialog, CAknTimeQueryDialog, CAknDurationQueryDialog, CAknFloatingPointQueryDialog, CAknMultiLineDataQueryDialog, CAknIpAddressQueryDialog, CAknFixedPointQueryDialog, CAknMultiLineIpQueryDialog, CAknSelectionListDialog, and CAknMarkableListDialog.

IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::PrepareContext CWindowGc &  aGc  )  const [protected]

From MCoeControlContext.

Initialises graphics context settings.

This function should be implemented by derived classes to initialise the graphics context, given by aGc, with the required settings.

aGc  The graphics context to be initialised.
virtual IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::PrepareForFocusTransitionL  )  [protected, virtual]

From MEikDialogPageObserver.

Should be implemented to prepare for focus transition from the current line.

For example to validate the contents of the current control.

Implements MEikDialogPageObserver.

Reimplemented in CAknForm.

virtual IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::PrepareLC TInt  aResourceId  )  [virtual]

Prepares the dialog, constructing it from the specified resource.

aResourceId  The resource ID of the dialog.

Reimplemented in CAknDialog.

IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::PublishDialogL TInt  aDialogIndex,
TUid  aCatUid = KNullUid

Instantiates mediator support and send a command with given parameters when a dialog is brought to display.

aDialogIndex  unique index to identify a dialog within the category.
aCatUid  gategory uid, if default paramter is passed, application uid is used as a category.
IMPORT_C SEikRange CEikDialog::RangeEditorValue TInt  aControlId  )  const [protected]
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::ReadResourceLC TInt  aResourceId  ) 

Reads the dialog resources into the dialog, constructing it from the specified resource.

The function is only to help loading dialog resources and extracting dialog data, in other cases use (PrepareLC()). Unlike PrepareLC(), it does not add the dialog to control stack.

aResourceId  The resource ID of the dialog.
void CEikDialog::RegisterDialgWithPageSelector  )  [protected]

Sets the current Dialog into the Page selector.

IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::ResetLineMinimumSizes  )  [protected]

Recalculates the minimum sizes of the lines on the active page.

Overrides CCoeControl::ResetLineMinimumSizes().

IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::ResetSecretEditor TInt  aControlId  )  [protected]
Not supported.
IMPORT_C TBool CEikDialog::RotateFocusByL TInt  aDelta  )  [protected]

Rotates the focus by a specified number of steps.

Each line is a step, as are dialog tabs.

aDelta  The number of steps.
ETrue if rotation of focus is successful, EFalse if there are no lines in the dialog or the rotation is otherwise unsuccessful.
IMPORT_C TInt CEikDialog::RouseSleepingDialog  )  [protected]

Rouses a sleeping dialog by dynamically constructing the dialog and then bringing it to the front.

Derived dialogs should pre-allocate any memory they need for initialisation during construction via ConstructFromResourceL() for each individual control. Derived versions of PreLayoutDynInitL() cannot rely on allocating any further memory.

virtual IMPORT_C TInt CEikDialog::RunLD  )  [virtual]

Runs the dialog and returns the ID of the button used to dismiss it.

The dialog is destroyed on exit.

This function is called by the dialog framework (ExecuteLD()) to perform dynamic construction (layout) and to display/destroy the dialog. Static construction of the dialog must already be complete before this function is called, e.g. using PrepareLC().

The function returns immediately unless EEikDialogFlagWait has been specified in the DIALOG resource. If EEikDialogFlagWait is specified it returns when the dialog exits.

The ID of the button used to dismiss the dialog.

Reimplemented in CAknDialog, CAknNoteDialog, CAknProgressDialog, and CAknQueryDialog.

IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetControlCaptionL TInt  aControlId,
TInt  aResourceId

Sets the specified control's caption text from a resource.

aControlId  The ID of the control for which the caption text is being set.
aResourceId  The ID of the resource containing the text for the caption.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetControlCaptionL TInt  aControlId,
const TDesC &  aText

Sets the specified control's caption text from a descriptor.

aControlId  The ID of the control for which the caption text is being set.
aText  The text for the caption.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetDurationEditorMinAndMax TInt  aControlId,
const TTimeIntervalSeconds &  aMinimumDuration,
const TTimeIntervalSeconds &  aMaximumDuration
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetDurationEditorValue TInt  aControlId,
const TTimeIntervalSeconds &  aDuration
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetEditableL TBool  aEditable  ) 

Sets the dialog to either editable or uneditable.

aEditable  ETrue if dialog is editable. EFalse if dialog is uneditable.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetEdwinTextL TInt  aControlId,
const TDesC *  aDes
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetFileNameL TInt  aControlId,
const TDesC *  aFileName
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetFixedPointEditorDecimal TInt  aControlId,
TInt  aDecimal
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetFixedPointEditorValueL TInt  aControlId,
TInt  aValue
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetFloatEditorMinAndMax TInt  aControlId,
TInt  aMin,
TInt  aMax
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetFloatEditorValueL TInt  aControlId,
TReal  aFloat
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetFloatingPointEditorValueL TInt  aControlId,
const TReal *  aValue
Not supported.
virtual IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetInitialCurrentLine  )  [protected, virtual]

Sets the line which initally receives focus.

This is the first focusable line on the first page in the dialog by default. Reimplementations of this method must activate a page before doing anything else.

Reimplemented in CAknForm.

IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetLabelL TInt  aControlId,
TInt  aResourceId
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetLabelL TInt  aControlId,
const TDesC &  aDes
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetLabelReserveLengthL TInt  aControlId,
TInt  aLength
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetLineDimmedNow TInt  aControlId,
TBool  aDimmed

Dims and deactivates, or un-dims and re-activates, the specified line.

aControlId  The ID of the line to dim or un-dim.
aDimmed  ETrue to dim the line, EFalse to un-dim it.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetLineNonFocusing TInt  aControlId  ) 

Sets the specified dialog line to a non-focusing state.

After this function is called, the line will never be given keyboard focus.

aControlId  The ID of the control in the line which is to be set as non-focusing.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetListBoxCurrentItem TInt  aControlId,
TInt  aItem
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetMediatorObserver MAknDialogMediatorObserver *  aObserver  ) 

Instantiates mediator support and passes possible feedback to given intance.

If no observer is set, dialog tries to handle feedback by it self. Please note that no commands will be instantiated unless command identifiers are are set using PublishDialogL.

aObserver  Pointer to instance implementing MAknDialogMediatorObserver API. Can be NULL.

Reimplemented in CAknListQueryDialog.

IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetMultilineQuery TBool  aIsMultilineQuery  ) 

Sets dialog to be multilinequery.

This is called by multiline query only. Changes tab-key behaviour of the dialog page. Tab key works differently for forms and multiline queries.

aIsMultilineQuery  Whether this dialog is multiline query
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetNumberEditorMinAndMax TInt  aControlId,
TInt  aMinimumValue,
TInt  aMaximumValue
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetNumberEditorValue TInt  aControlId,
TInt  aNumber
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetPageDensePacking TInt  aPageId,
TBool  aDensePacking

Sets the specified page to be densely packed, or normally packed.

This reduces the spacing between the dialog's lines.

aPageId  The ID of the page to be densely packed.
aDensePacking  ETrue for dense packing. EFalse for normal packing.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetPageDimmedNow TInt  aPageId,
TBool  aDimmed

Sets the specified page to be dimmed or undimmed.

The page is redrawn immediately.

aPageId  The ID of the page to be dimmed.
aDimmed  ETrue to dim the page, EFalse to un-dim it.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetRangeEditorMinAndMax TInt  aControlId,
TInt  aMinimumValue,
TInt  aMaximumValue
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetRangeEditorValue TInt  aControlId,
const SEikRange aRange
Not supported.
virtual IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetSizeAndPosition const TSize &  aSize  )  [protected, virtual]

Sets the size and position of the dialog given the specified size hint.

The parameter is ignored if the FlagFillAppClientRect is set. Otherwise it it centered and given the size that was asked for.

aSize  The new size.

Reimplemented in CAknListQueryDialog, CAknMessageQueryDialog, CAknNoteDialog, CAknQueryDialog, CAknIpAddressQueryDialog, CAknFixedPointQueryDialog, and CAknSelectionListDialog.

IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetTextEditorTextL TInt  aControlId,
const CGlobalText *  aGlobalText
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetTimeOffsetEditorMinAndMax TInt  aControlId,
const TTimeIntervalSeconds &  aMinimumTimeOffset,
const TTimeIntervalSeconds &  aMaximumTimeOffset
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetTimeOffsetEditorValue TInt  aControlId,
const TTimeIntervalSeconds &  aTimeOffset
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetTitleL TInt  aResourceId  ) 

Sets the dialog title text from a resource.

aResourceId  The ID of the resource containing the title text.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetTitleL const TDesC &  aText  ) 

Sets the dialog title text from a descriptor.

aText  The descriptor containing the new title text.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetTTimeEditorMinAndMax TInt  aControlId,
const TTime &  aMinimumTime,
const TTime &  aMaximumTime
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SetTTimeEditorValue TInt  aControlId,
const TTime &  aTime
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SlideDialog  ) 
IMPORT_C CEikButtonGroupContainer* CEikDialog::SwapButtonGroupContainer CEikButtonGroupContainer aContainer  )  [protected]

Swaps the dialog's button group container with a new container.

The dialog takes ownership of the new container. A pointer to the old button group container is returned and ownership of this object is transferred to the calling object.

aContainer  The new button group container.
A pointer to the old button group container. This is no longer owned by the dialog.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::SwitchLineLatency TInt  aBecomesLatent,
TInt  aNoLongerLatent

Switches the latent line.

The latent line is switched from aNoLongerLatent to aBecomesLatent. If dialog lines are latent they are not visible and are not taken into account when laying out the dialog. Latent lines can then be swapped around on the dialog later.

aBecomesLatent  The line ID of the line to become latent.
aNoLongerLatent  The line ID of the line to that is no longer latent.
IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalSeconds CEikDialog::TimeOffsetEditorValue TInt  aControlId  )  const [protected]
Not supported.
IMPORT_C CEikMover& CEikDialog::Title  )  const

Gets a reference to the dialog title bar.

A reference to the dialog title bar.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::TryChangeFocusToL TInt  aControlId  ) 

Tries to change focus to the specified line.

Fails if the line ID is not valid. Calls PrepareForFocusTransitionL() before focus is given to the line.

aControlId  The ID of the line to focus.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::TryExitL TInt  aButtonId  )  [protected]

Tries to exit the dialog when the specified button is pressed, if this button should exit the dialog.

See OkToExitL() to determine which buttons can exit the dialog.

This will fail if user exit is prevented by the EEikDialogFlagNoUserExit flag. If the EEikDialogFlagNotifyEsc flag is not set and the dialog has been cancelled it immediately deletes itself.

aButtonId  The id of the pressed button.
IMPORT_C TTime CEikDialog::TTimeEditorValue TInt  aControlId  )  const [protected]
Not supported.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::UpdatePageL TBool  aRedraw  )  [protected]

Only has effect on forms, call this after adding or deleting lines.

aRedraw  Whether to redraw the page. Usually expect this to be ETrue.
IMPORT_C void CEikDialog::WriteInternalStateL RWriteStream &  aWriteStream  )  const [protected]

From CCoeControl.

Writes the internal state to the given stream.

[out]  aWriteStream  Target stream.

Reimplemented from CEikBorderedControl.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class CAknCharMap [friend]
friend class CAknCharMapDialog [friend]
friend class CAknDialog [friend]
friend class CAknMediatorFacade [friend]
friend class CAknNoteDialog [friend]
friend class CEikDialogButtonCommandObserver [friend]
friend class CEikDialogExtension [friend]

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