namespace |
CMManager |
Data Structures
class |
TBearerPriority |
TBearerPriority is a representation of a bearer priority defined in commsdat. More...
enum |
CMManager::TSnapMetadataField {
CMManager::ESnapMetadataInternet = 0x00000001,
CMManager::ESnapMetadataHighlight = 0x00000002,
CMManager::ESnapMetadataHiddenAgent = 0x00000004,
CMManager::ESnapMetadataDestinationIsLocalised = 0x000000F0,
CMManager::ESnapMetadataPurpose = 0x00000F00
Metadata items. More...
enum |
CMManager::TLocalisedDestinations { CMManager::ENotLocalisedDest = 0x00000000,
CMManager::ELocalisedDestInternet = 0x00000001,
CMManager::ELocalisedDestWap = 0x00000002,
CMManager::ELocalisedDestMMS = 0x00000003
This is the enum set of the TSnapMetadataField's ESnapMetadataDestinationIsLocalised. More...
enum |
CMManager::TSnapPurpose {
CMManager::ESnapPurposeUnknown = 0x00000000,
CMManager::ESnapPurposeInternet = 0x00000001,
CMManager::ESnapPurposeOperator = 0x00000002,
CMManager::ESnapPurposeMMS = 0x00000003,
CMManager::ESnapPurposeIntranet = 0x00000004
This is the enum set of the TSnapMetadataField's ESnapMetadataPurpose. More...
enum |
CMManager::TProtectionLevel { CMManager::EProtLevel0 = 0,
CMManager::EProtLevel1 = 1,
CMManager::EProtLevel2 = 2,
CMManager::EProtLevel3 = 3
Protection Levels. More...
const TInt |
CMManager::KDataMobilitySelectionPolicyPriorityWildCard = 256