Getting started with 3D graphics

This chapter begins by presenting an overview of basic 3-D graphics concepts. It goes on to provide example 3-D graphics programs that compile and run in the CommonPoint application system. The programs show how easy it is to draw simple 3-D graphics into a view and perform a simple translation (move a graphic from one location in the view to another) using very few lines of code.

The examples also provide a brief overview of the basics to programming with the graphics. The remaining chapters of this book expand upon the basics by providing more details over what is covered here and by adding additional topics to show the full functionality of the graphics classes.

The second part of this chapter under the heading "Data types" on page 239 briefly describes 3-D matrices and the underlying 3-D geometry upon which the 3-D graphics are based. The data types for numbers and arithmetic are the same for 2-D and 3-D, and you will find them described in Chapter 2.

Presenting 3-D graphics
Drawing made easy
Data types

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