Scene bundle constructor

The default scene bundle constructor performs the following initialization to the 3-D attributes. All attributes are defined and described below.

    TSceneBundle( const TSceneBundle& aSceneBundle );
Ambient light: Illumination applied to 3-D objects that do not directly receive light. This light is a white color in the red, green, blue (RGB) color space.

Light: Light directed at a particular 3-D object. This light is a white color in the red, green, blue (RGB) color space that is parallel to TGPoint( 1, 1, 1 ).

Camera: The point, angle, and distance from which a scene is viewed. The camera determines how the 3-D points are projected to the 2-D plane. One perspective camera initialized with the default values described in the heading "Default camera settings" on page 342.

Atmosphere shader: None.

Scene attribute: Hidden surface removal is in effect so that when the scene is rendered all surfaces that cannot be seen by the viewer are found and not drawn.

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