In general, choose a name to enhance readability and comprehension; preferring long, readable names to short, esoteric ones. In any name containing more than one word, the first word follows the convention of the data type, and subsequent words appear with the first letter of each word capitalized. Do not use underscores.
Do not cite hazards in a note. Call attention to this material with a caution. For information about using cautions in documentation, see "caution" on page 12.
Use numerals:
Do not use a comma if the number is a year, zip code, phone number, serial number, or some other type of number used for identification. For information about punctuating dates and addresses, see "comma" on page 14.
Apply computer voice when used as a C++ keyword. naming identifier
The names of all C++ identifiers (including types, member functions, and classes) should follow the guidelines given in Chapter 3, "C++ programming conventions" of the Taligent Guide to Designing Programs.
For more information about identifier naming conventions, see "Using parentheses with function names" on page 57.
Acronym for not a number. Spell out on first occurrence. Note capitalization. nano (n)
(prefix) Represents one billionth, that is, 1/1,000,000,000. nanosecond (ns)
Abbreviate units of measure when using them with a number to indicate a specific measurement. negative (neg)
Spell out on first occurrence. network (net)
Spell out on first occurrence. Nil
Use in text. When used as code, it appears as NIL
. Use term only when discussing pointers. See also "Null" on page 52. non
(prefix) Close up words with the non prefix except:
non-Euclidian geometry
, non-struct
non-mouse device, non-operational state
non-expert, non-orthogonal, non-uniform, non-root
(modifier) nontechnical
(modifier) nonzero
(modifier) note
Use a note to call attention to pertinent information. There are two types of notes: textual notes (like the one below) and footnotes.
Use the FrameMaker Note tag and the symbol from the Reference pages for notes.
Use in text when referring to an ASCII character string separator. Do not use NULL (all capitals). Instead, use NIL. number
These guidelines cover only general principles for using numbers.
Using numerals or words
In general, in technical documents use numerals rather than words. The following guidelines clarify the use of numerals and address some of the common exceptions.
Spell out:
8 Kbyte
50 cm
3 1/2-inch diskette
When presenting decimals, remember to include the leading zero.
32 degrees
0.75 not.75
See Chapter 6, "Customizing your desktop," for more information.
Phone: 408 777-5432
Fax: 408 777-5480
Telex: MSPARIS 604322F
Fifty pages of the book contain illustrations.
If the result is cumbersome, as it might be if you began a sentence with a date, then rephrase the sentence.
Nineteen hundred and ninety-two was Taligent's first year in the industry.
Taligent's first year in the industry was 1992.
Because different countries assign differing numeric values to these amounts, bear in mind your audience. In the U.S., for example, a million is 1,000,000; however, in some countries a million is 1,000,000,000. The value should be clearly defined somewhere in numerals so that it can be understood accurately in all countries.
Punctuating numbers
Use hyphens in:
Use commas in numbers of more than four digits to separate thousands, millions, and so on.
ninety-nine basic frameworks
a two-thirds majority
one-fifth of the budget
8-bit text (compound modifier--hyphenate)
8 bits (single modifier--do not hyphenate)
In other languages numbers are punctuated differently. Use American numbering conventions except when referring to specific international issues.
Forming plurals
Form the plural of a number by adding s. Do not use an apostrophe.
the 1980s
0s and 1s
temperatures in the 90s
numbered list
See "list" on page 41.
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