asm |
delete |
if |
reinterpret_cast |
true |
auto |
do |
inline |
return |
try |
bool |
double |
int |
short |
typedef |
break |
dynamic_cast |
long |
signed |
typeid |
case |
else |
mutable |
sizeof |
union |
catch |
enum |
namespace |
static |
unsigned |
char |
extern |
new |
static_cast |
using |
class |
false |
operator |
struct |
virtual |
const |
float |
private |
switch |
void |
const_cast |
for |
protected |
template |
volatile |
continue |
friend |
public |
this |
wchar_t |
default |
goto |
register |
throw |
while |
When using non with a C++ keyword, always hyphenate.
pointer to non-const
to make changes to the internal object state.
If the term is an uppercase abbreviation, or a software term that is case sensitive, present it as it should appear in the text.
See Taligent Human Interface Guidelines for more information about human interface elements.
Use caption numbers only for documentation sets where they are defined as the standard. Caption numbers are sequential throughout each book but are broken into individual categories of figures, tables, and code.
For more information about captions, see the Taligent Publications Handbook.
Do not capitalize the first word following a colon, even if the phrase following the colon is a complete sentence.
Rather than using vague expressions, such as "the guidelines discussed earlier," tell the reader exactly which chapter or section to refer to by including the chapter number, the title, or the number and title.
Never use cross-references to convey vital information, such as safety precautions or important steps to follow. Restate the information where it is needed.
For detailed guidelines, see Taligent Publications Handbook.
For information about callouts, see the Taligent Publications Handbook. cancel
Note one l. cancelability
Do not use this term. Instead, use ability to cancel. cannot
Use instead of can not. capitalization
Too many capitalized words on a page can be difficult to read. Use these guidelines.
Capitalizing book titles
In book titles, capitalize all significant words.
See "hyphen" on page 31.
Do not capitalize:
Capitalizing chapter titles and heads
Capitalize chapter titles and heads in sentence style (also called downstyle).
Capitalizing glossary terms
If the term is a proper noun, capitalize the first letter. Capitalization of human interface elements
Capitalize human interface elements, such as names of buttons and labels as they appear onscreen. Capitalization of interface elements differs from capitalization of terms used to describe those elements. In other words, do not capitalize "Command Button" when you describe this type of button in text. But you do capitalize a button's label, such as Print Now. Capitalization of part dividers
Capitalize part dividers in sentence style (also called downstyle).
Capitalizing text
Use initial captial letters in text for:
Do not capitalize:
of steps.
See individual entries for capitalization of specific acronyms, abbreviations, and technical terms. Capitalizing index entries
Don't capitalize any words in an index entry unless the word is a proper noun, an acronym, or an abbreviation that is supposed to be capitalized. Capitalizing CommonPoint terms
Capitalize proper names of CommonPoint application systems, subsystems, and frameworks. For example, use:
See The New Taxonomy for information about individual system, subsystem, framework, and category names. caption
Use captions only when essential to identify figures, tables, or code samples you must refer to in text. Capitalize captions as you would a sentence (downstyle--the first word with an initial capital, and subsequent words lowercase). Captions should not be complete sentences--use punctuation only if needed.
(modifier) Note capitalization. catastrophic error
Do not use this term. Instead, use irrecoverable error. caution
Use the caution symbol to indicate that data or equipment might
be damaged.
Closing the file without saving could cause you to lose data.
When the context is clear, use the abbreviation because it is more commonly recognized than compact disc. Do not use compact disk. CD-ROM
When the context is clear, use the abbreviation because it is more commonly recognized than compact disc read-only memory. Use the abbreviation as a noun or modifier, hyphenated and capitalized. centigrade (°C)
Abbreviate units of measure when using them with a number to indicate a specific measurement. centimeter (cm)
Abbreviate units of measure when using them with a number to indicate a specific measurement. CPU
When the context is clear, use the abbreviation because it is more commonly recognized than central processing unit. checkbox
Do not hyphenate. Always write as one word. check in
(verb) check-in
(modifier) checklist
Do not hyphenate. Always write as one word. checkmark
Do not hyphenate. Always write as one word. check out
(verb) check-out
(modifier) class
A class is a C++ vehicle for translating a data abstraction to a user-defined type. Do not use class when you mean object or instance. See "instance" on page 34 and also "object" on page 55. clean up
(verb) cleanup
(modifier, noun) client-server
(modifier) Note hyphenation. clockwise (cw)
Spell out on first occurrence. COBOL
Use the acronym because it is more commonly recognized than common business-oriented language. code font
See "computer voice" on page 16. colon
The colon provides a break between information indicating that what follows is an elaboration, summation, example, or interpretation of what precedes. In technical documentation, that relationship is almost always limited to the introduction of a list, a phrase, or another sentence.
Introducing lists
Use a colon to introduce a list of items within a sentence when that list is relatively short.
Software developers must weigh this minor limitation against three factors: faster development time, smaller code size, and greater ease of modification.
Use a colon with a sentence fragment introducing a list of items in a bulleted list or numbered list. See "list" on page 41 for more information about bulleted and numbered lists.
Introducing quotations, questions, and statements
Use the colon to separate one clause from a second clause that illustrates or amplifies the first.
Object orientation is to the 1990s what structured programming was to the 1970s: a new and important paradigm for improving software construction, maintenance, and use.
color/graphics adapter (CGA)
Spell out on first occurrence. comma
A comma provides a pause in the flow of text and separates or sets off elements in a sentence. The comma is the most often used punctuation mark, however it is sometimes overused. When in doubt, check with an editor.
Separating items in a series
Insert a comma between three or more items in a series, and always include a comma before the last element in the series to avoid ambiguity. The conjunction does not replace the final comma in the series.
Text elements in program interfaces include menu items, labels, editable fields in dialogs, spreadsheet cells, and documents.
If an item in a series contains two parts joined by and or or, move it to the front
to avoid confusion, and hyphenate the compound modifier joined by and.
Locate the black-and-white, green, and red wires. (3 items in series)
If a series contains internal punctuation, use semicolons rather than commas to separate the items.
Locate the green, red, black, and white wires. (4 items in series)
They have offices in Portland, Oregon; Springfield, Illinois; Boulder, Colorado; and Kansas City, Missouri.
Separating dependent and independent clauses
Use a comma to separate:
For example, to query a style set for a particular style, use TStyleSet::MemberByName.
If that limit is exceeded, an exception or possible stack
corruption results.
The system is simple, yet it provides considerable functionality.
Several proposals were submitted, but the committee accepted only one.
Enclose text in commas when it is not essential to the sentence, but just adds more information about the subject.
For more on restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses, see "that" on page 74. See also "dash" on page 19 and "parentheses" on page 57.
These 2-D classes, part of the GrafEdit Framework, provide all the functionality needed for this application.
Do not separate restrictive clauses with commas. Note the difference in meaning in these phrases:
The employees who worked hard were rewarded.
The employees, who worked hard, were rewarded.
By the way, having a separate class for specifying the level lets me take a lot of instructions out of
The developers were, for the most part, satisfied.
You can also use dashes or parentheses to set off parenthetical material, especially if it is not essential to the sentence.
Any virtual function calls execute the base class virtual functions, not the overriding functions in the--as yet unconstructed--derived class.
Occasionally some initialization associated with the base class must be done using derived class (overriding) virtual functions.
Separate items in addresses, dates, and numbers
Use a comma to separate items of equal value in:
The President lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, DC, 20500.
Within a sentence, use a comma both before and after a state or province.
San Diego, California, has a moderate climate.
Keep in mind that in other languages numbers are punctuated differently.
On February 5, 1977, she arrived in New York.
Do not insert commas if the complete date follows the international format.
Tuesday, October 17, 1989, at 5:04 p.m., the earth shook.
10 December 1992
Do not insert commas if the date consists of only the month and year.
She arrived in February 1977.
The article appeared in the July 1981 issue of National Geographic.
in numbers.
Do not use Taligent when you mean CommonPoint.
Rather than: The Taligent classes that comprise the File
See Legal Guidelines for information about how to properly trademark and use this term.
System interface...
Write: The CommonPoint classes that comprise the File
System interface...
CommonPoint application system
The current name for Taligent's first product. Note capitalization. See Legal Guidelines for a list of Taligent trademarks. computer-aided design (CAD)
Spell out on first occurrence. computer-aided engineering (CAE)
Spell out on first occurrence. computer-aided instruction (CAI)
Spell out on first occurrence. computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)
Spell out on first occurrence. computer voice
Computer voice is a separate font or style used to indicate a computer language or program. This type of information includes code samples, computer language elements, and program listings. Taligent uses monospace Taligent Mono to differentiate computer voice.
Using computer voice in heads
Avoid using computer voice in headings. If you cannot avoid them, apply the font change. Using computer voice in running text
Use computer voice consistently for:
Some types of casts are always coercion--for instance, casting a
See the table on page 9 for a list of C++ keywords and more information about using C++ keywords in computer voice.const
or volatile
pointer to one without those same attributes. If you make a member function const
because it doesn't change the object semantics, you must cast your this
pointer to non-const
to make changes to the internal object state (unless your compiler supports mutable
Do not use computer voice for:
The remaining part of the record layout of a
entry holds the records for the exceptions action.
to your OPD:Servers:
See the Taligent Publications Handbook for more information about using computer voice. See "C++ keyword" on page 9 for more information about C++ keywords.
Each TNumberFormatter instance has an associated numerical range.
Button names: OK, Print, Cancel
Menu names: Edit, View, Document
Menu titles: Save As, Print, Undo
In the following sentence, the word operator should not be in computer voice because it refers to the member function, not the C++ keyword.
Rather than: If TBase has a virtual operator and TDerived is a derived class of TBase, then TDerived might have to override
In the following sentence, struct refers to the concept structure, not the keyword TBase::operator=
, in addition to defining its own operator=
Write: If TBase has a virtual operator and TDerived is a derived class of TBase, then TDerived might have to override TBase::operator=, in addition to defining its own operator=.
Rather than: Static objects or
initialized by C-style initializers can be shared between all tasks.
Write: Static objects or structs initialized by C-style initializers can be shared between all tasks.
Or Write: Static objects or structures initialized by C-style initializers can be shared between all tasks.
constructive area geometry (CAG)
Spell out on first occurrence. constructive solid geometry (CSG)
Spell out on first occurrence. contraction
Use a contraction when the rhythm and flow of a sentence would be disrupted by the noncontracted form. For more information about forming contractions, see "apostrophe" on page 4.
See Legal Guidelines for current copyright information. cosecant (csc)
Spell out on first occurrence. cosine (cos)
Spell out on first occurrence. cotangent (cot)
Spell out on first occurrence. counterclockwise (ccw)
Spell out on first occurrence. crossbar
Do not hyphenate. Always write as one word. crosshair
Do not hyphenate. Always write as one word. cross-reference
(noun, verb) Always hyphenate the word cross-reference. A cross-reference can be internal, to another section of the document, or external, to other documentation.
cross section
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