Creating interactive text elements

To create interactive text elements, use the Text Editing framework. This framework is based on the CommonPoint Desktop frameworks, and allows you to create editable text elements that can be used as components in any compound document. An editable text document component can be a root document, can be embedded in a compound document, or can embed other types of document components. The framework also allows you to create editable text elements that can be used independently of the Presentation and Document frameworks.

Text Editing framework classes provide default functionality for the standard aspects of data handling: representation, presentation, selection, and modification. The framework includes a stationery class that you can instantiate to create a default editable text document component. The default document component provides simple word-processing capabilities--a single galley layout, character and paragraph formatting, and a set of standard menus for text editing functions. To provide customized text editing features, you can create your own extensions to the Text Editing framework.

The Text Editing framework also includes classes you can use to create very simple editable text elements. For example, you can use the text control classes to create editable text dialog boxes.

The Text Editing framework is designed so that you will have the ability to build a wide variety of text processing tools that, once available, can be used universally. For example, you could create a spell checker that could be used against any editable text that appears anywhere in the system--you wouldn't need to build your spell checker into each application individually.

See Chapter 5, "Text Editing framework," for more information on using and creating editable text elements.

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