
Controls are interface elements that let users initiate actions or make choices. Controls appear in windows such as dialog boxes or panels. (For information on window controls, see Chapter 4.)

Controls include buttons, check boxes, pop-up and scrolling lists, sliders, and text entry fields. The following table summarizes the suggested use for each type of control. See the individual sections on each control for more detailed information.

Use this control: To:
Command button Initiate an action
Radio button Present a group of mutually exclusive choices
Check box Present a group that allows multiple choices
Pop-up menu Present a list of mutually exclusive choices
Scrolling list Present a list of nonexclusive or mutually exclusive choices
Slider Present a continuous range of choices
Text entry field Enter textual information

Common features
Command buttons
Radio buttons
Check boxes
Pop-up menus
Scrolling lists
Text entry fields
Spin buttons
Drop down combination boxes
Border areas

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