Getting started with time media

Time media are forms of data that change meaningfully with respect to time--audio and video are common forms of time media that are often used to enhance the communications capabilities of computers. For example, multimedia presentations often combine audio and video with text and graphic displays to present information.

Any CommonPoint application system program can display time media. Users can play and exchange media clips through the document embedding and linking capabilities provided by the Time Media User Interface framework.

After reading this chapter, you should know how to:

To include a media clip in a document, you typically use the services provided by the Time Media User Interface framework. This framework is built on top of the time-media frameworks, which provide a common architecture for all types of time-media data.

If you are interested in providing editing capabilities for time-media data, sophisticated presentations of that data, or otherwise extending the time-media frameworks, you need to understand the underlying concepts presented in "Time-media overview" on page 289 and the remaining time-media chapters.

Using the Time Media User Interface framework
Using the time-media convenience classes

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