3D sweeps

A 3D sweep is the surface created by moving a 2D contour curve along a 3D trajectory curve. The following sweep classes shown in Figure 168 all descend from MGraphic3D. The sweep classes let you create surface sweeps that are always precise with no math or NURB curve knowledge required on your part. The TSweep3D class create a hollow sweep from a contour and a trajectory where the contour curve is swept along a trajectory curve. The location of the trajectory determines the location of the sweep. The remaining sweep classes create specific kinds of closed sweeps around the 3-D origin from information such as radius, height, and width. You can use the MGraphic3D translation function or a 3-D translation matrix to move the sweep.

Every sweep class is based on a TGSurface3D. The TSweep3D constructor creates TGSurface3D instance that you can access with the TSweep3D::GetSurface function. All other sweep classes have a CreateSweepSurface function that creates and returns a TGSurface3D. Access to the sweep surface lets you change the parameters of the surface to modify the shape of the sweep.

Include files
Creating sweeps
Cone sweep
Cylinder sweep
Extrusion sweep
Rounded box sweep
Rounded cylinder sweep
Revolution sweep
Sphere sweep
Torus sweep

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